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January 16, 2018

How to Grow Qualified Inbound Marketing Leads

By Chris Vendilli 2 Minute Read

A certain percentage of visitors that come to your company website may eventually purchase your product. And a percentage of those visitors will turn into loyal repeat customers. The visitors who will eventually buy your product or service -- but who have not yet completed the sales cycle -- are known as qualified inbound marketing leads. These leads know what they want, have an established budget, have done some product research and are currently moving through your company's sales cycle.

One of the greatest challenges for many businesses is turning web traffic into qualified inbound marketing leads. These tips will help make your website more effective so you can convert more visitors to your website into converted paying customers.

Provide Great Content

Keep visitors to your website informed by offering them useful and meaningful content. Good content attracts more traffic, and people who are attracted to useful content like yours are more likely to turn into qualified inbound marketing leads.

Sure, providing great content can be a challenge. Work with good writers and experts, invite guest bloggers to provide content on a regular basis, and refine your landing pages until they provide accurate and enticing product descriptions. Crafting the right messages may take time. Work with a marketing professional to ensure that your website's content will attract the right people to your pages.   

Shape Your Company Persona

Brand recognition and reputation are important to well-informed customers. Companies can attract more customers by building a reputation for producing quality products and good customer support. Work with your marketing professionals to ensure that your website reinforces your brand and spreads the right message about your company.

Make Your Website Mobile Ready

More people than ever use their mobile devices to shop online, browse websites and perform online research. Capturing these audiences is important for online businesses. The best way to do this is to make your website mobile-ready. “Less is more” in the mobile world. Present your website with simple, elegant design and concise written content for mobile readers.  

Start a "Click to Call" Button and Online Customer Chat Support

A "click to call" button makes it easy for users on mobile devices to call your customer support and get answers to their questions. If possible, offer a customer chat support function. This will help your company capture more leads and convert a higher percentage of your web traffic.

Contact ProFromGo for More Help

At ProFromGo, we help businesses develop their digital marketing strategy. Using smart SEO, and fast, attractive web design, we're your one-stop shop for local online marketing help. We're located in Pittsburgh, so we know what local consumers want, how they want it and how they think. Whether your company is new, well-established, large or small, we can help. To make an appointment for a consultation, contact us today at (412) 530-5027.

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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