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May 30, 2023

What's Included in GDD?

By Rob Donaldson 3 Minute Read

Marketing is hard. Where to start? What activities are the most important to get the desired results? How do you even measure if it's working? Often the next question is, do I hire a full-time employee to fill the marketing role or do I enlist the services of a company that can help guide my marketing efforts? 

In today’s world, the employee has the upper hand. Salaries are skyrocketing and unfortunately, companies are getting less qualified individuals at a higher cost. When it comes to your marketing, outsourcing often wins out over hiring. Proper marketing is perpetual, you can’t do it once and assume you’re done. So you might search for a marketing company that can provide ongoing services or a retainer. At Vendilli Digital Group our retainer services are aptly named Growth-Driven Design (GDD). Growth-Driven Design is a monthly service rooted in the idea that your online presence should be ever-evolving. GDD focuses on several facets of digital marketing, with your website design being the center of it. Let’s take a closer look at why GDD is such a strong approach and what’s all included within the engagement. 

Why is Growth-Driven Design a Better Approach?

Expertise: Vendilli has a team of experts with diverse skill sets and experience in various areas of marketing. Designers, web developers, copywriters, strategists, and video production specialists just to name a few (we’ll dive deeper below). You can access a range of expertise that’s impossible to find in a single employee. Even if you do hire an internal employee for marketing there’s still a good chance that you’ll need to outsource for specific project work. 

Cost-effective: Hiring an employee can be expensive, especially if you need to provide training, benefits, and other perks. A retainer can be a more cost-effective solution, as you're only paying for the services you need, and you don't have to worry about the overhead and hassle of managing an internal employee.

Flexibility: With Vendilli, you have the flexibility to adjust the scope of services you receive based on your business needs. You can ramp up or scale back services as necessary, which can be difficult with an employee. Launching a new product or service? That may entail additions to your website, an email campaign, pay-per-click advertising, and a short video. We can not only guide you through the strategy and creative but we can execute all aspects of the campaign in-house. 

Time-saving: We take on the day-to-day tasks of marketing, freeing up your time to focus on other areas of your business. You’ll be assigned an account manager who will meet with you weekly or bi-weekly to review the ongoing campaigns and deliverables, taking the burden of managing a creative team off of you. 

Access to resources: Vendilli has access to specialized tools and resources that can be expensive for a business to acquire on its own. Software, video cameras, and editing equipment just to name a few. You can access these resources without having to invest in them yourself.

The Goods: What Do the Deliverables Look Like?

So what types of deliverables would be included in a retainer? It covers a wide swath of services that help you achieve your marketing goals whether they be brand recognition, lead generation and sales, customer loyalty, better customer experience, or increased marketing share just to name a few. This may include ongoing activities such as:

Digital Marketing Strategy: Developing and executing a comprehensive marketing strategy that aligns with your business objectives and goals. This includes determining your goals, plans, challenges and timelines, buyer personas as well as a strategic plan to get you there. 

Website Design and Development: Building and maintaining websites that are optimized for user experience, functionality, and search engine performance. We have a full team of web designers and developers with years of experience in-house.

HubSpot Sales & Marketing Platform: HubSpot integrates all of your sales and marketing efforts into one robust platform. As a Platinum HubSpot partner, our team can help you implement Sales Hub, Marketing Hub, and/or Service Hub to make your business more effective in the digital space.

Digital Advertising: Creating and managing online advertising campaigns to drive traffic, leads, and conversions. These could include Google Ads, YouTube, or display ads.

Content Creation: Developing and creating high-quality, engaging content for websites, blogs, social media, and other marketing channels. This not only positions you as the thought leader in your industry but drives inbound leads for your sales team. 

Video Production: Full creative, shooting, and editing capabilities in addition to 2D and 3D animation services for explainer videos, customer testimonials, plant tours, etc. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Implementing strategies to improve the visibility and ranking of your website in search engine results pages. Knowing what Google is looking for when ranking websites is critical and we’re constantly refining our client’s sites to be found. 

Analytics and Reporting: Tracking and analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions.

Overall, Growth Driven Design from Vendilli Digital Group offers a range of ongoing services that are designed to help clients achieve their marketing and business goals. A broad range of expertise and experience, along with the right tools allows us to provide comprehensive support across multiple areas of marketing and design.

Want to learn more about how Vendilli’s Growth-Driven Design can revolutionize your marketing for less than the cost of one employee? Reach out and we’ll help you determine if GDD is the right fit for you. 

Rob Donaldson
About the Author
Rob has been a part of the multimedia industry for over 30 years and is now the Director of Operations at Vendilli. You’ll find him shuttling his kids to and from sports and activities or somewhere in the outdoors skiing or mountain biking (if he’s lucky)…

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