Looking back on our first meeting with the Double E team on their website redesign, CEO Eric Elkins didn’t have strong visual preferences or direction, and said “I don’t know what the final website should look like. I’m leaning on your team’s expertise, but I do want you to build me an award-winning website.”
It makes me laugh with satisfaction now that I can say we delivered on his expectation, taking home our first Silver ADDY Award.

Trust in the creative process.
Eric knew that he wanted his website to not only stand out from other financial advisors, but also showcase their expertise and knowledge, driving home that Double E was a top player in their industry. He had faith in our ideas, and approached the project with “the sky’s the limit” energy that empowered us to think outside the box.
As a web designer, I’d love for every website I work on to win an award, but projects like this one are hard to come by. Not everyone is willing to have faith in the process, or trust the opinions of professionals. But when they do, that’s when award winning websites happen.
Artists often look back at their work and think of all the things they would fix or do differently. When this site launched, the only thing I could think was “damn.” This website isn’t just a website, the written word and the visuals work in harmony to tell a compelling story.
What’s the recipe for an award winning website?
Double E sat down with us and allowed us to intimately understand their business. From there, we were able to put ourselves in the shoes of their target customers and design a website that spoke directly to them. Eric had high expectations, and trusted us to meet them, which is why we were able to produce award-winning work.
A website is a company’s biggest marketing tool. It’s usually a customer’s first experience with a brand and the biggest mechanism for acquiring new business, which is why it’s often your company’s most important investment.
In approaching a website redesign, many people try to cut corners. They want to save time or money by supplying content themselves. Sometimes, it works out fine, but it doesn’t give the same impact as when writing and design professionals come together to create something that is memorable and truly speaks to your customer.
It took boldness, a lot of trust, a commitment to partnership, and communication to end up here. Thank you, Eric and the team at Double E for pushing us and trusting us to deliver on your vision. This may have been our first trip to the Addy’s at Vendilli Digital Group, but I hope with everything that it is certainly not our last. We’ve set the bar, and now it’s up to us to continue challenging ourselves and working together to make something memorable.