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June 16, 2021

Navigating Business Change

By Rob Donaldson 2 Minute Read

Business change is inevitable—it’s just a matter of when and how. Whether you're looking for new ways to increase revenue, engage your employees, or improve internal systems, business change will be an integral part of your decision-making process. In this blog post, we'll discuss changes that could help your business and tips for making those changes successful.

But first, let me share my most recent change.

After almost 30 years my company, Media Post, merged with ProFromGo in February. So, this whole idea of "change" is fresh in my mind. Before the merger, I wrestled with many questions and uncertainties.

  • How will my day-to-day role change?
  • What will the new team look like?
  • What does the future of the company hold?
  • How will we handle the transition for our clients?

Predictability is comfortable. Change is not predictable. But to truly build something new and better you must step out of your comfort zone and embrace change.

After four months with ProFromGo, it has become abundantly clear that I made the correct choice. While I still manage change on a daily basis, my team is everything I had hoped for and more. Talented, progressive and productive. Media Post clients have transitioned to ProFromGo without skipping a beat and are taking advantage of the new service offerings. The current systems we have in place ensure there is a forward vision for our clients and our employees. It was the right move for my clients, my team and myself.

What does your "change" look like?

When it comes to dealing with business change, it's helpful to start asking yourself a few key questions. What's holding you back and are those excuses based in reality? Is there any value in continuing to do what you've always done? Be brave. Be aggressive. Change is your best friend when it comes to growth and progress.

I'm guessing that a wholesale company change or merger isn't in your foreseeable future. But, what small changes can you make within your business that could make a big difference? Let's talk about some of the more common hurdles. 

 How can we drive more sales?

Change your approach to sales and marketing. Are you consultative selling? The majority of B-to-B sales start with a consultative conversation not an outbound cold call. Do you have an inbound strategy? Blogs, e-newsletters, white papers and an informative, well-designed website are all tools that educate your audience, making you the expert and their go-to company when it comes time for them to move forward.

How can our team be more productive day-to-day?

Change how you approach your role or the roles within your company. Are people in the right seats? Focus your team solely on doing the work that only they can do and the work that brings the highest return to the company. Delegate the tasks that can be done by others. Otherwise, it takes time away from the true purpose of their role.

How can we improve our internal processes and systems?

Change to a "proactive" mindset. Systems take time to implement and perfect but you need to set time aside to get out of your daily, reactionary routine and work "on" the business or your internal processes. Well thought out and documented systems are what take a good company to a great company. The benefits of better processes include reducing costs while improving customer experience and revenue.

Every change, whether it’s strategic, operational, or financial, will require people to adjust and respond. It cannot be a top-down command. How you approach this change will determine whether people react well, consistently and to the best of their ability.

While that experience will, of course, vary greatly from person to person depending on their circumstances, engagement does follow one simple rule: employees will buy into a required change much better if they can relate to it and it resonates with them. When organizations, and their leadership, lean into the company’s purpose and bring its values to the forefront, employees will be more likely to do the same.

The first step towards getting somewhere is deciding you are not going to stay where you are. If you're looking to change how you approach your digital marketing, reach out to us at ProFromGo to talk about all that's possible.

Rob Donaldson
About the Author
Rob has been a part of the multimedia industry for over 30 years and is now the Director of Operations at Vendilli. You’ll find him shuttling his kids to and from sports and activities or somewhere in the outdoors skiing or mountain biking (if he’s lucky)…

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