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July 20, 2021

I Don't Get Leads From My Website

By John Caruso 3 Minute Read

"I don’t get leads from my website." I hear it all the time or at least variations of it.

 Well, simply put, if you haven’t invested in your website, how can you expect it to work for you? I have reviewed hundreds of websites over the years, and I can tell you more times than not that if someone says their website isn’t a lead-producing part of their marketing efforts, it's usually because their website was built and forgotten. The most frustrating part is knowing affordable options that remedy such situations. Unfortunately, this mindset is a tough one to sway.

In this blog, I’ll share affordable ideas to update your website to help you capture more sales. But first, a few statistics to help you understand the power of a professional, well-designed website.

Why Your Website Matters

It’s 2021. Claiming that the internet doesn’t work for business is well in the past. Digital efforts have increased in importance after the past year and a half. More and more people have embraced the ease of finding something online and making a purchase. According to Digital Commerce 360, consumers spent $861.12 billion online with U.S. merchants in 2020, up an incredible 44% year over year.

While this statistic illustrate e-commerce transactions, there is still an enormous amount of business influenced by digital content that is taking place outside of e-commerce channels. For example, how you are perceived. A study done by Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab found that 75 percent of consumers judge the credibility of an organization by the design of its website.

So when it comes to updating your website, why wait? If you aren’t getting leads or inquiries to your business or organization it is usually the result of either:

  •  a poor web design
  •  a confusing user experience
  •  a lack of relevant or quality content

 While our agency works with many large companies and projects, we also service smaller projects. We built our Studio PFG platform specifically to help small businesses. 

How Can Studio PFG Help a Small Business?

 Here are three ways we help you with an updated and attractive website design.

1. Design 

Whether we're helping to upgrade a website or starting from scratch, we'll start by asking you to provide samples of websites you like or notes on what you don’t want to see. This will help our team craft an updated and user-friendly design that is current, and simple for your website users to navigate. 

2. Content

No one knows your business like you do. So our team will ask you to handle the copywriting for your website. 

If you would rather have us write your content, we certainly can. Although this typically extends the length of the process and budget. When you provide the content, this helps our team keep the project the most affordable, and your messaging will be the most accurate it can be. 

 I suggest writing in the same manner that you typically speak with a customer. We use the same style and explanation to ensure that what a prospect is reading is also reaffirmed when talking to a salesperson. Content can be a scary part of the project, but I don’t think it has to be. Have some fun, and be creative with presenting the information on your products or services. 

3. Training 

The last part of the process includes training. Utilizing our platform removes the need for a developer and our team will educate you on how to use the platform so that you can quickly make edits. This helps keep the cost of the project low. Which means instead of paying an agency for every little change, you can make the changes to the website yourself.  Of course, we will always be there in case you need us.   This way, you can keep your website up-to-date with the most relevant information. 

Ready to Get Started?

The Studio PFG Platform provides you with a cost-effective solution to give your organization's website an updated and fresh look so  those sales leads keep coming. There are multiple ways to help your company attract more leads, and bolster your digital presence, but Studio PFG is a great place to start. Once you have this platform as a solid foundation, I can help you implement more strategies to keep prospects finding you, and contacting you. If you would like more information on how to update your website to attract more leads, I’m more than happy to help! 


John Caruso
About the Author
John is the Director of Business Development at Vendilli Digital Group. Outside of work, you can find him fishing, hunting, or canning vegetables from his garden.

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