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September 14, 2023

How to Keep a Custom Website Design Project on Time and on Budget

By Danielle Matthews 2 Minute Read

Embarking on a new custom website design or redesign is an exciting endeavor that can elevate your online presence and drive business growth. However, as with any significant project, careful planning and management are essential to ensure success. From setting realistic launch dates to streamlining feedback loops, here are a few tips to help your custom website redesign launch on time, on budget, and stress-free.

Understand and Set a Realistic Launch Date

The journey towards a revamped website begins with understanding the time it takes to create a masterpiece. On average, a custom website redesign spans 6 to 9 months. This period accommodates the meticulous steps involved, from client onboarding to design, development, optimization, and final technical launch preparations. While expedited timelines are possible, they often come with additional costs and require a full team effort — if at all possible for your agency based on their capacity.

Know Your Website Content Inside Out

Content, they say, is king, but it can also be a bottleneck in your redesign project. Be prepared with your website's content--both copy and images. If you have existing assets, organize them in a shared platform like Google Drive for easy access and updates. If you're starting from scratch, budget funds for content creation and factor in the additional time it takes when considering your launch. When working with an agency on content, be prepared to spend some of your time giving their writers what they need to get the ball rolling for your content and answering their questions.  Your launch date hinges on having your content ready and available.

Grasp the Scope of Work and Expectations

Understanding what you're paying for and what the agency will deliver is vital. Agencies usually outline project details, but if you're uncertain, seek clarification. While it's natural to get inspired during the process, adding new features not in the original scope can consume time, resulting in additional money spent. Prioritize your needs and decide whether immediate inclusion or a post-launch addition is the right approach.

Designate Clear Points of Contact

Communication is key, but too many voices can lead to chaos. Assign 1-2 team members as points of contact. This eliminates the "death by committee" scenario, where numerous inputs result in confusion and inefficiency. Having clear decision-makers expedites feedback and keeps the project aligned with your vision.

Keep Feedback Clear and Concise

Revisions are par for the course in a redesign, but excessive rounds can strain budgets and timelines. Be clear and concise in your feedback, addressing all aspects in a comprehensive round. Avoid sending feedback in fragments, especially if there's a behind-the-scenes committee involved. In some agencies, each round counts toward costs or is billed by the hour no matter how big or small. Comprehensive feedback curbs scope creep, change orders, and delays.

Schedule Regular Status Updates

Accountability thrives on regular check-ins. Commit to periodic status updates to discuss progress, address concerns, and answer questions. These meetings foster engagement and maintain a steady momentum towards your launch. Even a brief 15-minute update can keep everyone on the same page and ensure no critical information slips through the cracks.

Navigating a website redesign successfully demands a strategic approach, clear communication, and a touch of patience. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination. By grasping the nuances of timelines, content, scope, communication, and feedback, you're poised to steer your project to a successful launch. Stay organized, stay committed, and witness your new website unfold seamlessly before your eyes.

Starting your Next Custom Website Project?

You’ve come to the right place!  Based out of Pittsburgh, PA, organizations from all around have trusted Vendilli Digital Group to get their custom website redesign projects launched and looking spectacular.  Give us a call today and let us help you plan your next custom website redesign.

Danielle Matthews
About the Author
Danielle is VDG's Senior Art Director. Whenever she gets a minute to herself she enjoys binge-watching Netflix, reading, obnoxiously loud music, fishing, drinking obscene amounts of coffee, and probably being an all-around nerd.

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