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February 12, 2022

How to Create a Pillar Page

By Erica Follette 2 Minute Read

Pillar Pages are an essential part of any content marketing and SEO strategy. If you want to rank higher in search engine results, you need a strategy that includes pillar pages. If your website traffic has hit a red light, then this blog will teach you what exactly a >pillar page is and how to create one.>

What Is a Pillar Page?

Pillar pages are all about good content that helps your users succeed. However, it’s more than just creating content; it’s about creating valuable, actionable content that keeps them on your site longer. These types of content are what Google is looking for, making it easier to rank your site on the first page.

A pillar page satisfies this need for valuable content. It covers all aspects of a topic on a single page, with room for more in-depth reporting via cluster blog posts that hyperlink back to the pillar page.

Pillar pages broadly cover a particular topic, and cluster content should address a specific keyword related to that topic in-depth. For example, you might write a pillar page about content marketing–a broad topic–then a piece of cluster content about blogging–a more specific keyword within the topic.

How to Create a Pillar Page

Now that you understand what a pillar page is–and why you should be creating one–here are the key steps to creating a successful one.

1) Choose a topic

The first step in this process is focusing on topics, and not keywords. To brainstorm topics, you first have to determine who your audience is. Taking a look at buyer persona research should tell you top interests and challenges of your core audience–this should give you an idea of what content they are searching for. From there, choose a topic that's broad enough that it can generate more related blog posts that will serve as cluster content, but not so broad that you can't cover the entire topic on a single page.

2) Write (or construct) your pillar page

Now, it's time to make your pillar page. You might already have a comprehensive blog post that you can adapt into a pillar page, or you might need to write a comprehensive guide to your topic from scratch. Either way, there are a few key items we suggest you include:

  • A definition of the topic or term you're covering somewhere in the first section

  • A bulleted or numbered table of contents

  • A more specific topic-related keyword in each of your subheadings

3) Choose keywords

Once you've nailed down your pillar page, it's time to do some keyword research. Remember to choose keywords with a lot of search volume that cover different aspects of your specific topic. Once you have your list of keywords, use them to build working titles for your cluster content.

4) Start writing

Now it's time to write blog posts based on your specific chosen keywords. Once each cluster topic blog is complete be sure to link it to your pillar page to create a streamlined reader experience and help all of your content rank higher in search engine results pages.


Let’s Recap!

If you want to grow your website, create pillar pages.pillar page has the potential to become an authority hub for one or more specific topics in your niche. They are also a critical part of any marketing strategy and should be treated as such.

If creating engaging content for your business seems like a daunting task, we’d love to help! Vendilli Digital Group has your back when you need us. Discover how our expert content marketers can help you build and improve your online presence today!


Erica Follette
About the Author
Erica is a Content and Customer Service Specialist at Vendilli. In her free time, you can find Erica binge watching Netflix shows, practicing martial arts, drinking way too much coffee or tending to the needs of her spoiled dog and reptiles.

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