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December 29, 2021

Christmas Future: What does 2022 look like?

By Erica Follette 2 Minute Read

Ah, wouldn't it be wonderful if the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come was real? You might change your ways if you see a dismal view of your future. On a personal level, you know how to be a good human. So, you don't need to worry that you will face the same future as Ebenezer Scrooge. But what about on the job? Do you wish there was a way to stay ahead of consumer trends so your digital marketing delivers results?

That's where this article can help. Covid-19 is still in the air, inflation has reared its ugly head and supply chain issues are lingering. Don't despair! You can still impact your company's growth by adjusting your marketing plans.

We've combed through reputable sources to share what you need to know for your future marketing efforts. Consider this our gift to help you walk confidently into 2022.

B2B buying is changing. Once upon a time, one or two people could decide to make a purchase. Blame the pandemic for changing that. Now that budgets are tighter, purchases are under greater scrutiny. Plus, more departments are involved in the decision-making process. Click here, to listen to Forrester's podcast, B2B Buying Has Changed. How Should Marketers Respond?

Short videos are hot.  I wrote about the importance of video before in this blog. Now, the trend is moving towards shorter videos. According to HubSpot, 89% of global marketers will spend the same budget or more on short-form videos in 2022.

More platforms are using video. Did you know that your business can add a video explaining your business on LinkedIn? Marketers are always looking for ways to differentiate themselves. Depending on your industry, a personalized message from your CEO could help you make deeper connections. Social Media Today explains how to use this option.

E-commerce sales are increasing. Last year, global e-commerce sales grew by nearly 30%. There are more ways a person can make a purchase, so how do you stand out? Google recommends following the ABCD framework to use storytelling. A = Attention, have a hook to get their attention and tell an immersive story. B = Branding, brand early, often, and richly. C = connection, help people think and feel something. D = Direction, tell them what to do to make a purchase.

Accessing the internet via mobile devices grows. Statista tells us that 92.6 percent of the people who go online do so from their mobile phones. In some parts of the world, a digital device is a predominant way to access the internet. Every industry needs to make sure its website loads quickly and functions flawlessly on a mobile phone.

Search Intent is King. It's been almost 20 years since Bill Gates said: "content is king." He was certainly correct about the importance of content. Now, ahref points out that the meaning of search queries has grown in importance. So how does this impact your search marketing efforts? Ahref recommends, "design and optimize content with search intent in mind."

Omnichannel campaigns deliver. Today's consumer expects convenience. So give them the opportunity to access your products, offers and support on all channels, platforms and devices. Research supports this move: Omnichannel strategies drive an 80% higher rate of incremental store visits.

Everyone at Vendilli Digital Group wishes you a happy, healthy and productive New Year!

Erica Follette
About the Author
Erica is a Content and Customer Service Specialist at Vendilli. In her free time, you can find Erica binge watching Netflix shows, practicing martial arts, drinking way too much coffee or tending to the needs of her spoiled dog and reptiles.

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