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August 3, 2021

You're Not Too Small for HubSpot. Check out the New CMS Hub Starter.

By Erica Follette 4 Minute Read

Think you're too small for HubSpot? If you said yes, the new CMS Hub Starter was created just for you! Small businesses have the same concerns as enterprise companies. The only difference is you don’t have deep pockets. If you work in marketing for a small business, see if any of the following sound familiar:

You need a website, but a DIY website builder doesn’t always include everything you need. You wish you could update your website, blog or even create landing pages yourself, but without technical skills, you must wait until your developer has the time. You’d like to keep track of your customer relationships, yet you can’t find a software to fit your budget.  You’d love to find a tool that will expand as you scale up, however, it doesn’t look like that exists. 

If you’re feeling discouraged and frustrated, relax. Thanks to the HubSpot CMS Hub Starter, an enterprise solution is now within your grasp. 

Consider this your guide to learning everything you need to know about HubSpot CMS Hub Starter. Here are the answers to the most common questions. By simply scrolling through the questions you’ll see the HubSpot CMS Hub Starter lets you free up your developer to work on higher impact projects:

  • What is included in HubSpot CMS Hub Starter?
  • What are the benefits of building your website in HubSpot?
  • I already have a website. How can I bring my existing website over to HubSpot?
  • What are the hidden costs connected with HubSpot?
  • Can HubSpot CMS Hub Starter help SEO?
  • How can I nurture leads and build relationships?

Let’s get started and answer the most common questions about the new HubSpot CMS Hub Starter.

What is included in HubSpot CMS Hub Starter?

The easiest way to answer that question is the old saying, everything but the kitchen sink. Just look at this list of products:  

  • Website Themes
  • Drag and drop page editing
  • Landing pages (Free version found in HubSpot’s free tools)
  • Blogs (unlimited blog posts, but only one blog)
  • Website pages (Limit of 15 pages)
  • Multi-language content management (language variants of pages count towards your 15 page limit)
  • Advanced menus
  • Blog import
  • Site export
  • Local development
  • Developer documentation & community
  • Marketplace
  • Design manager

With access to all of this, marketers like you can easily take ownership of your website. If you want to dig deeper into any of the topics mentioned above, read more about HubSpot’s content management system

What are the benefits of building your website in HubSpot?

As a SaaS product, CMS Hub has a monthly recurring cost that you can pay on a monthly or annual basis. The low price of the new HubSpot CMS Hub Starter means you get access not only to HubSpot’s content tools, but premium hosting & security features, regular maintenance and updates, support via chat, phone, and email, and all the features like email marketing, SEO optimizations, and live chat that come as part of the HubSpot CRM platform. 

Have any questions? HubSpot makes it easy to find the answer. 

I already have a website. How can I bring my existing website over to HubSpot?

It’s easy!  Here are all the details on how to migrate your blog or website to HubSpot. The goal is to free up your time so you can concentrate on other marketing tasks.  

What are the hidden costs connected with HubSpot?

None. Nadda. Zip. One price includes the hosting and security. Plus, you don’t have to worry about adding plugins. This makes it easy to determine exactly what you need to allocate in your budget. 

While the CMS Hub comes with a wide range of tools that eliminate the need for plugins, know that you can tap into the HubSpot app marketplace to customize your experience. Here you can find apps for email, calendars, data security, data sync, workflow integrations and much more.

Can HubSpot CMS Hub Starter help SEO?

Absolutely. And, you don’t need a plugin. The SEO recommendation tool tells you which on-page SEO issues you should fix. For example, if you have pages with duplicate title tags, pages that are missing the meta description, pages where you should add alt text to images, etc. 

In addition to the on-page SEO, you also receive insights on accessibility, crawling and indexing, mobile experience, performance, security and the user experience. 

How can I nurture leads and build relationships?

Let’s be honest, silos belong on farms. Marketers, developers and sales teams are working towards the same goal; helping your company grow. And, the best way to do this is if everyone works together. HubSpot gives you the ability to leverage customer data to inform your web strategy. Websites need to be more than eye-candy. They need to be performance machines!

Here are the products that are included with the HubSpot CMS Hub Starter that let you understand exactly what pieces of content are resonating with your audience:

  • Full CRM
  • Conversations
  • Ads
  • Email marketing
  • Forms
  • Facebook messenger integrations
  • Video hosting
  • Unlimited CRM users
  • Chat & email support
  • Web analytics reporting

The walls between sales and marketing are eliminated when everyone can see reports that show deal forecasts, sales performance and the deals closed vs goals. Access to data enables marketing to create the type of content that truly connects with your contacts. Imagine the results that will come from personalizing the user experience for each of your contacts. You can track:

  • Which pages are visited the most
  • What content is downloaded most frequently
  • Which pages of the website help with conversions

Ready to get started with HubSpot CMS Hub Starter?

As a HubSpot Platinum Partner, we’re excited to announce this opportunity for you to grow your business for just $25/month.

 If your developer has any questions or wants to explore the possibilities, share the HubSpot CMS Developer Documentation page. Here, your developer can even start playing around with the tool with a free CMS developer sandbox account. 

We’d be happy to answer any additional questions you may have. We see the HubSpot CMS Hub Starter as a way to level the playing field. Now, there’s absolutely no reason to use different solutions that continue to hinder developers, marketers and sales teams from working together. Contact us to learn more, we’re looking forward to helping your business grow.

Erica Follette
About the Author
Erica is a Content and Customer Service Specialist at Vendilli. In her free time, you can find Erica binge watching Netflix shows, practicing martial arts, drinking way too much coffee or tending to the needs of her spoiled dog and reptiles.

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