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June 5, 2018

What the Heck is HubSpot and How Does it Help my Business?

By Chris Vendilli 2 Minute Read

HubSpot calls itself an inbound marketing and sales software that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads and close customers. As you may know, today’s buyer is incredibly educated. The seller no longer holds  all the power. Inbound marketing is all about helping the seller along their buyer’s journey, and no software makes it easier to do than HubSpot.

What’s Golden?

Here at ProFromGo, we love HubSpot. We use it for ourselves. We have numerous clients using it. In fact, we’re one of the few HubSpot Gold Partner digital marketing agencies in Pittsburgh. As an inbound marketing agency, HubSpot is a great software that helps you do pretty much everything all in one place.

In addition to being a powerful marketing software, HubSpot is  an incredibly easy to use, insightful customer relationship manager (CRM). If you’re still using an excel spreadsheet to manage your customers or clients, stop what you’re doing and call us right now. We’ll show you how to ease your way into HubSpot’s free CRM.

Is HubSpot right for my business?

HubSpot can be beneficial for many different companies across many different industries. However, it works best with B2B companies. In fact, inbound marketing is a great marketing strategy for any B2B company.

HubSpot has many different packages and offers many different products. You can have your CRM, your website, and all of your content and email marketing efforts all powered through HubSpot. You can also mix and match. For example, there are many companies who power their website  by WordPress.but will use HubSpot’s marketing software to implement their digital marketing strategy.

You don’t have to pick WordPress or HubSpot. You can have both. HubSpot does a great job of integrating with numerous other pieces of software as well. Check out a full list of their integrations here.

How Inbound Marketing Works (at a very high level)

As mentioned earlier, inbound marketing is all about helping. In order to achieve inbound marketing success you must have a solid strategy. A solid strategy includes knowing your buyer persona, and then knowing how to nurture them along their buyer’s journey until they’re ready to make a decision. Once they become a client or a customer, it’s important you don’t neglect them.

The stages of the inbound methodology are: attract, convert and delight. It can be easy to forget about that delight stage. But, arguably, it is the most important stage. Happy customers equals referrals. HC=R. Referrals equals more happy customers and more referrals. R=MHC+MR. Catch my drift?

Cheaper Alternatives to HubSpot

For as much as we love HubSpot, we’re not naive enough to think that every company can afford it. If you’re currently running your own website on WordPress, there are hundreds of plugins that allow you to do a lot of what HubSpot offers in its all inclusive marketing software. However, the catch is, a lot of these plugins cost money as well.

If your company is all in on inbound marketing and has the budget, then HubSpot is the way to go. If you’re just starting out on your inbound marketing journey, look at these tools to help you get started.

  • MailChimp (for marketing automation)
  • Inbound Now (for landing pages and thank you pages)
  • Opt-In Monster (for lead generation pop ups, etc.)
  • Canva (for call call to action design)

To reiterate,  HubSpot allows you to have everything in one place. It’s much easier to manage, organize, and track your efforts in HubSpot, but there are alternatives if the price is too high.

Don’t go at it alone

Inbound marketing isn’t easy. It takes many different skill sets, a ton of hours and a lot of patience. ProFromGo has been developing and implementing inbound marketing strategies for years. We know how to do it successfully. Give us a call. We’re always happy to help.

P.S. If you click on the little banner below and fill out a quick form, we will take a look at your website and let you know the opportunities we see for lead generation.

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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