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March 14, 2018

Three Days in Cambridge: The story of how a broadcaster became a Lion

By Chris Vendilli 2 Minute Read

I love baseball.

Most sales blogs don’t start out with a sentence like that. It’s an important sentence, though.

But for as much as I love baseball, Opening Day is never an easy one for me. Why, you ask? Well, it’s because I watch the games from my couch, or the bleachers now.

And not from the press box.

I spent the beginning of my professional career as a media relations assistant/broadcaster for various teams in numerous cities. The ballpark was my office. Giving up views like that wasn’t easy.

Trading in my scorebook for landing pages

Life doesn’t always pan out like we thought it would. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that.

One of my old bosses from my days working in athletics had the best one-liners. The one that still sticks with me to this day is, “Wanna hear God laugh? Tell him your plans.”

My plans were to become a Major League broadcaster, buy my mom a Volvo, and call baseball games until I couldn’t talk anymore.

Here’s the part where God starts laughing.

Fast forward to January of 2018 and I’m in Boston. No, I’m not interviewing for a job at Fenway Park or buying my mom that Volvo (sorry, mom). I’m sitting in a sales pipeline generating bootcamp with about 15 others who probably didn’t tell their parents they wanted to be a sales lion when they grew up.

What’s a sales lion?

Dan Tyre and David Weinhaus, two of HubSpot’s most brilliant sales’ brains (pictured above), take inbound sales professionals through an extensive three-day in-person workshop, followed by five more weekly remote sessions.

It was an eye-opening experience for me. I have no sales background, unless you count lemonade stands and yard sales when I was a kid. However, I know –and am a big fan of – the product.

Key Takeaway

Inbound is all about helping, not necessarily selling. Even when you’re selling, you’re helping. Today’s buyer is more educated than ever. This means the content your company is creating must  be incredibly helpful and valuable. If it’s not, the buyer is going to move on.

Speaking of content, the content in Tyre’s bootcamp was incredible. I learned more than I could have ever imagined. If you’re a HubSpot partner on the fence about taking one of the bootcamps in Cambridge, I would urge you to take the leap. You won’t be disappointed.

Whether you need help with your company’s marketing strategy, advice on how to hit a curveball, or the best remedy for a cracked voice before calling your 83rd baseball in as many days, here’s a link to my calendar. Would love to help in anyway I can!

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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