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June 29, 2020

Social Media Marketing Through HubSpot

By Chris Vendilli 3 Minute Read

Are you and your business looking to jumpstart your social media marketing campaign? Look no further than HubSpot for all your needs.

Do You Really Need Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing Pittsburgh | ProFromGoThe short answer is yes. The long answer is also yes. Marketing on social media platforms is essential because it meets customers where they already are: online. There are many benefits to using social media marketing, such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads, boosting conversions, fostering relationships with customers and even learning from competitors. Not to mention a huge majority of customers do their shopping and brand research via the internet, so a lucrative social media marketing campaign and presence is necessary for long-term success. 

Social media makes direct communication between customers and brands more approachable and a whole lot easier. But there’s more to being online than just making an account and wishing your followers an occasional “Happy holiday!” Posts should be on-brand, creative, and aesthetically pleasing—all while following a social media marketing strategy.

Adapting Content to Each Platform

A brand’s social accounts need to speak with the same voice, but that voice must be tailored to the social platform where it’s being shared. Twitter is more reactive and conversational. Instagram is driven by visuals and hashtags but can also be a great place to communicate and tell your story. LinkedIn is a space to talk industry business. Modifying your social content to each platform’s best practices helps to boost conversions and raise brand awareness, creating positive interactions with customers online—which, in turn, can result in increased engagement, sales and leads.

Social media marketing allows customers to engage with your brand in a multitude of ways—comments, likes, reposts, shares-—and they all help increase traffic to your website. Sharing content related to your products and business puts your brand on your target audience’s map. When you’re sharing on social media, you’re directly advertising to people who have chosen to engage with your brand by following your account. This provides an opportunity to foster your relationship with those potential leads by interacting with them directly through comments, creating giveaways and contests, hosting live videos, including links to your website and offers, and more.

Monitoring Your Competition

But social media marketing doesn’t just help you with your customers, it also helps you monitor competitors. Social media makes it easy to learn from your competition and keep tabs on the products they’re promoting, online campaign tactics, and level of interaction with customers. All of this information can help ensure that your brand stands out among the competition when a customer is ready to make a purchase.

Likewise, one of the first steps a potential client likely takes when trying to get to know your brand, is to look for you on social media. If you don’t have a solid presence, this can reflect badly and become a missed opportunity to make a connection with your audience.

Why HubSpot is a Great Tool for Social Media Marketing

Once you have your social media marketing strategy nailed down, HubSpot is the perfect platform to launch your campaign. Not only does HubSpot allow you and your business to publish posts to all platforms at once, it gives you the tools to monitor the engagement the posts receive from prospective customers. HubSpot allows you to create content that is unique to your brand and its mission and organize a schedule for your posts.

New content can be uploaded as it is published or can be scheduled in advance and go live at a later date. Each time a post is created, an engagement report is generated, which can be used to adjust your marketing strategy according to what your customers respond to best. 

How to Use Social Media Marketing in HubSpot

HubSpot is not just a singular location that can centralize all of your social channels. This platform also offers Inbound elements for your entire team. Some specifics include landing pages, Salesforce Integration, partitioning, and tips for search engine optimization. Everything is in one place so it’s much easier to create a cohesive and effective plan.

Your team can also take advantage of the many certifications HubSpot offers to further develop your team’s skills. When applied correctly, techniques learned through these certifications can help you better understand your customer base, improve your conversion rate, and extend your reach far beyond what traditional marketing practices can accomplish.

Need Social Media Marketing Help?

ProFromGo can help bridge the gap between customer and business on varying social platforms. Contact us here for more information.

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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