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January 7, 2012

SEO in Pittsburgh: Understanding Search Industry Jargon Hy-Li

By Chris Vendilli 2 Minute Read

[frame_left]SEO in Pittsburgh: Search Industry Jargon[/frame_left]In SEO in Pittsburgh: Understanding Search Industry Jargon Cp-Ht a number of terms related to the internet marketing field were detailed, including CPC or Cost Per Click, Domain Age, Domain Name, File Transfer Protocol or FTP, and HTML or Hypertext Markup Language. In this part of our Pittsburgh SEO jargon series, we'll go over several more critical terms, including: Hyperlink, Indexing, Keyword Density, and Link Juice. These are some of the most important terms in the search engine optimization industry.

*Hyper Link / Hypertext

A hyperlink is a link – a source of information that a reader or website visitor follows from one page to another. In most cases the hyperlink is active in the sense that the user needs only to click on it to be automatically redirected to the referenced page or page part. The text within the hyperlink is known as hypertext.

One of the most fundamental parts of SEO is to obtain as many contextually relevant backlinks with proper anchor text pointing at your site or page. The more "descriptive" a link is, the more weight it can be given for certain terms.

For instance, the following straight link: coming from a page about SEO isn't as valuable as the following anchor text hyperlink from the same source: SEO in Pittsburgh. By making the hyperlink the actual text we are referencing, we give clues to readers and search bots as to what the page being referenced is all about. If the pages are similar, then they are considered contextually relevant.

Hyperlinks that utilize proper anchor text and are contextually relevant are one of the most powerful internet marketing tools available.


One major problem for new websites or websites that recently changed or added new content is getting indexed. This refers to the search engines actually finding and cataloging your site or page so that information on it can be returned in search results when it's relevant.

If your pages aren't getting indexed, they basically don't exist unless visitors have already been given the direct link to them. One effective method to get a page indexed is to force indexation by pinging it or bookmarking the page, or by directly submitting the changes to various search engines.

*Keyword Density

Keyword density is important – if your density is too high you could be penalized as a spammer – if it's too low, you might not get any organic traffic to your website. Finding the balance is often something that must be accomplished with the help of a professional Pittsburgh SEO provider.

In general, density for a given page should not exceed 3%. However, some sites that are considered credible and hold a significant amount of authority may not be held to the same restrictions as a newer site that might be on the threshold. One of the most commonly followed – and safest – tactics is to only include a primary keyword once every hundred words.

*Link Juice

Link juice refers to the authority, credibility, or other benefits passed to one site via a link from a source site. For instance, if you owned a detective agency and there was a link to your site on the DEA website, that link would pass a significant amount of authority to your site, because the search engines know that you can’t pay to get a link there, and in general it would be very difficult to get a link on such a site at all.

A few of these types of links can be worth thousands of lower quality, less relevant links, but most of the link juice is passed through a DO-FOLLOW link – this is discussed in a future installment of SEO in Pittsburgh: Understanding Industry Jargon. Browse our blog for other articles in this series, or take action now to get professional Pittsburgh SEO services for your company or organization.

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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