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November 21, 2011

SEO in Pittsburgh: The Truth about Backlinks

By Chris Vendilli 2 Minute Read

SEO in Pittsburgh can generate significant success for your Allegheny County business. This is accomplished using a number of professional internet marketing tools such as social media management, article marketing, on-page SEO, web design, copywriting and backlinking, among many other strategies.

Of these, few strategies are more misunderstood than backlinking. And because backlinking is such a critical part of achieving top search rankings, understanding the truth about what works – and what doesn't – is essential to cultivate lasting success in the marketplaces you target. SEO in Pittsburgh is dominated by ProFromGo Internet Marketing, who gave some candid answers to the following questions:

Question: I can buy thousands of backlinks very inexpensively and have been told this will significantly boost my rankings for my target keywords in the SERPs. Is this true?

ProFromGo's Answer: Not necessarily. If the links are from non-contextual, low-quality, no PR (page rank), completely unrelated websites they're not likely to hold very much weight. This is especially true if the links come from blog commenting, forum posting, or other tactics that do nothing more than spam websites with their links. Not only is this a useless practice because it returns little to no value, but it's also considered link spam and could get your website sandboxed or even banned from organic search results.

Question: Do No-Follow links provide any value?

ProFromGo's Answer: Yes. No-Follow links might not pass PR like a good Do-Follow link will, but they are indexed and "counted" by Google and the other major search engines. Additionally, No-Follow links will bring traffic to your website if put in the right place.

On a final note, SEO strategies that don't seek out No-Follow links will quickly leave behind a footprint that can be detected by SEs.

Question: When it comes to SEO in Pittsburgh, will backlinks that I build die?

ProFromGo's Answer: Yes. Whether built on a local network in Pennsylvania or on international sites, some links will die. This can happen when a web master makes changes to a website, removes outdated content, manually removes links, or when websites fail. This is one reason why it's important to continually build quality backlinks.

Question: Should I build non-contextual backlinks?

ProFromGo's Answer: The short answer is yes. When links are built to a website naturally, some of them will be contextually irrelevant. For instance, the owner of a Pittsburgh social media company might leave a comment with a link on the blog of a writing website. While this link isn't contextually relevant, it's still valuable – especially if the page that it is on has high authority and high PR.

Building backlinks on different sources is important for creating a natural SEO footprint. Search engine optimization experts have repeatedly claimed that Google "wants to see" websites interacting across a wide range of interests and associations – not just within their own industries. Therefore, building non-contextual backlinks should be a piece of your SEO pie.

However, contextual backlinks are generally considered to be the most valuable. One contextually relevant backlink from a high authority website can literally be worth tens of thousands of backlinks from unrelated, poor quality sites.

SEO in Pittsburgh isn't complicated when you have the right answers from a professional search engine optimization company. For a free, confidential consultation, call the number at the top of your screen, or click here for Pittsburgh SEO services now.

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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