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October 14, 2012

The SEO Benefits of Google Authorship

By Chris Vendilli 2 Minute Read

In short, Google Authorship allows authors to link their content to their Google+ profile. When implemented properly, your profile image will appear in the SERPs next to the results that contain content written by you.

Before we go any further – such as discussing the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) benefits – let’s take a closer look at how to get started.

By following six simple steps, you can easily link content you publish on a specific domain to your Google+ profile.

  • Sign up for Google+ and create a profile (you may already have one)
  • Upload a recognizable photo of yourself
  • On each page of content that you write, make sure a byline is present containing your name (By John Smith)
  • Your byline must match the name on your Google+ profile
  • Verify the email address on domain on which the content is being published
  • Return to the Google Authorship page and enter the same email address

In true Google fashion, the entire process only takes a few minutes.

Now that you know how to sign up, you may be asking yourself one very important question: what is the point?

In other words, you want to know the benefits associated with using this feature. Here are just a few that are sure to get you excited:

1. An increase in importance from a search engine optimization point of view. Will Authorship ever be as important as high quality content, domain authority, and a well rounded link profile? Probably not. That being said, most experts agree that developing an “author ranking” will help improve the ranking of any content that the author creates.

2. Become an industry leader. No matter your position, company, or industry, it never hurts to build your personal brand. It never hurts to show others that you are one of the go-to people in your particular industry.

With Google Authorship, you have the chance for your picture to be displayed in the search engine results when particular keywords are searched for. If this does not establish you as an “industry player” what will? Hands down, this is a great way to build your personal brand and authority.

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3. Allows you to establish a personal connection with your audience. In today’s day and age, everybody has a website. It is how you use the web that will set you apart from the competition. One of your primary goals should be to personally connect with your target market. By having each piece of content assigned to you, it helps to bring your personality to the forefront. It makes it simple for readers to “put a face with a name.”

Final Benefit, Courtesy of Google

Recently, Google has confirmed that there is a hidden benefit of having authorship status. If a user returns to the search results after visiting your site, an additional three links to similar content will be automatically displayed. This increases your chance of that same person visiting your site once again to read another piece of content.

With something so easy to setup and use, it is safe to say that the popularity of Google Authorship will continue to grow month over month for the time being.

If you have questions about implementing Google Authorship on your website or blog contact us today for a free web design and SEO consultation.

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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