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March 1, 2018

The Rebrand: Welcome to Horseshoe + Co.!

By Andrea Moxham 2 Minute Read

Notice anything different?

That's right! We've rebranded!

Horseshoe Designs is now Horseshoe + Co.

New website, new Instagram handle, new email; the works! All of this was made possible by Yvonne at Das Studio. I am so grateful for all her hard work these last few months.

Let's talk about the rebrand. It's been on my mind for months on end as something I should and need to do but couldn't bare the thought of changing my presence everywhere it exists on the internet.

Why the Change?

Horseshoe Designs first started as a wedding invitation design boutique. I chose the name Horseshoe Designs merely because I liked it! It had no representation or really any meaning because at the time, this was just a fun side gig. I mainly worked with extended friends and family as I got more familiar with graphic design.

Eventually, I moved into more comprehensive design projects like logos, branding, flyers, and brochures for local businesses. I loved this work but my strongest skills still lies in marketing.

Fast forward to 2015 when I started taking on marketing clients full-time, still under the hokey brand name, Horseshoe Designs. As I grew my business over the course of the next few years, I began working with larger companies, corporations, and marketing departments and felt that my brand name didn't match my level of professionalism or focus on marketing.

In 2017, I decided to step away from branding and graphic design to focus 100% on inbound marketing. This change warranted an entirely new look -- new name, new brand, and new website.

I wasn't ready to completely change my business name into something entirely new and unrecognizable so Horseshoe Designs became Horseshoe + Co.

Behind the Logo

I love hearing the story behind brands. What does their brand represent? What is the meaning of their logo? My brand tells a story that I'd love to share with you.

After selecting Yvonne as my designer, I relayed the importance of communicating professionalism through my new brand. I wanted to get away from the overly bright and feminine look while still maintaining my brand colours. inbound marketing logo

Because my new business name doesn't incorporate the word marketing, or clearly communicate what we do, I wanted this to be evident in the design of my logo.

Enter: the magnet concept (do you see it?!). It also doubles as the 'S' in my logo and symbolizes horseshoes. Inbound marketing relies on creating valuable content that attracts customers to the brand as opposed to traditional marketing which typically interrupts customers with sales-y content.

What's Changing?

As previously mentioned, I'll no longer be offering branding services. Small design projects like calls-to-action, blog headers, small graphics that fall within the scope of the inbound retainer will be included.

We'll be focusing more so on comprehensive inbound marketing retainers as opposed to offering individual services (but I do make exceptions!).

So if you need me, you can find me over at:

@horseshoeco on Instagram

If you've been with me since the beginning, thanks for sticking around. And if you're new here, welcome!


Andrea Moxham
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