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January 16, 2014

ProFromGo Welcomes Our Newest Intern: Sarah

By Chris Vendilli 2 Minute Read

Last semester, we at ProFromGo decided to reach out to some of the local universities in hopes of attracting some great talent to our team. In only a few days, the applications were already pouring in. After many interviews and hours of deliberation between Chris and I, we were finally able to bring our first two interns on board. We were really pleased with the results as both interns turned out to be fantastic. Realizing the next semester was soon upon us, we hoped to emulate the success we had with the program in 2014.


Flash forward to today: We have just taken on our newest intern, Sarah. Sarah stood out to us due to her passion for social media, connecting with others, and life in general. We asked Sarah to tell us a little more about herself to let our readers and clients know who she is.



Hello, my name is Sarah Gregory.  I am a last semester senior at Duquesne University pursuing a degree in Integrated Marketing Communications.  Throughout my college career, I have grown to learn more and more about myself and the person I want to become.  I have learned that I am a girl who loves being around people – friends, acquaintances, strangers, anyone. I just love the company.  I love to talk, especially public speaking.  I love to read and write.  I love movies and down-time.  I am a big fan of many types of music: Country, Indie, Rock, R&B, and so many more.  I’d like to believe it is music that gets me through my hardest days.  I am a girl who loves to love, and I love making people feel comforted.  I am kind and possess a warm heart.  You’ll always catch me with my iPhone 5s in my hand.  Yes, I am addicted to my phone and Social Media, and I am proud of it!  This connection I have with Social Media is what led me to this internship with ProFromGo.

I love Social Media.  I believe that Social Media has the ability to produce so many great outcomes in regards to marketing.  Almost every person today, young and old, is on Facebook, Twitter, or some other form of Social Media.  This revolution has allowed marketing practitioners and advertisers to reach their audiences in new and possibly more effective ways.  Social Media also allows companies to connect on a more personal level with their audiences.  When a company friends an individual on Facebook or follows them on Twitter, they are becoming more tangible to that individual rather than being just a name or a brand.  These are the reasons I love Social Media and Internet Marketing – the sky’s the limit.  I believe ProFromGo is an Internet Marketing firm with such great potential.  They focus on what the client wants out of their brand and how PFG can help them achieve those goals through marketing strategies.  As for me, I aspire to impact the lives of many in my professional career.  I hope to someday apply the skills I have acquired through my degree and the internship positions I have held to start my own non-profit organization, raising money and giving back to those in need.  I also aspire to attain a position in a corporate office, running the Social Media site for the company, head of event planning, or head of public relations.  I believe life is what you make it, and passion is what makes a career so fulfilling.  I know I have chosen a career path that I am passionate about, and I am excited to see what the future will bring.

We look forward to helping Sarah grow in the areas of Social Media and Internet Marketing for the rest of this semester. Hopefully ProFromGo is one of her first steps in a flourishing marketing career.


Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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