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January 16, 2012

Pittsburgh SEO: Search Engine Industry Terms Ls – No

By Chris Vendilli 2 Minute Read

In SEO in Pittsburgh: Search Industry Terms Hy-Li, a number of key terms related to SEO were discussed in detail. These "industry jargon" terms included Hyperlinks and Hypertext, Indexation, Keyword Density and Link Juice – all terms that are an integral part of search engine marketing and SEO in Pittsburgh. In this installment of the series we'll discuss the next most relevant alphabetically occurring SEO terms, including LSI or Latent Semantic Index, Meta Data, Monetization, Nameservers and the much-hyped No-Follow and Do-Follow tags.


Latent Semantic Index is a term that is often overlooked even by knowledgeable search engine optimization professionals. In lay terms, LSI refers to terms that are naturally related to the primary keywords a website is targeting. For instance, on a site that offers Pittsburgh web design services, Google and other search engines don't expect to just see on-page and off-page references to this term alone. Instead, they expect to see a number of related terms, such as Pittsburgh web designer, professional web design in PA, and many other terms. If your site is not optimized with LSI data, you could be targeting your keywords too exclusively. By integrating LSI keywords and keyphrases, your website's SEO will appear as natural and organic as possible.

*Meta Data

Meta data used to be a big deal in the search engine optimization and search marketing industries, but today it is not that important. Meta data consists of descriptive features in a website that help to tell the search engines – and by proxy consumers – what your website is all about. Search engines used to rely heavily on a site's Meta data in order to properly index and rank it, but today none of the major search engines use this data. Nevertheless, most SEO experts recommend that website owners should still optimize their site's Meta data according to accepted standards, despite the fact that search engines will likely use other metrics to judge your site.


To monetize a site means to apply a format that generates profit. This could be in the form of advertising such as Google Adsense, by selling banner or other ad space, by selling products or services, offering affiliate products and services, by building an email or opt-in list, or by soliciting donations. Sites that are monetized have a significant need for proper SEO strategies in order to drive traffic to the site and convert that traffic to sales. However, it should be noted that not all sites are monetized.


Nameservers are related to hosting and domain companies and are used to describe where a particular website's components should appear. Despite the seemingly complicated nature of Nameservers, most people who have user interfaces for their domains such as Cpanel or GoDaddy's GUI (graphic user interface) can easily change their Nameservers to point to another location. This can be useful when purchasing a domain with one company but hosting it with another, for pointing mobile versions of websites and for generating pages dynamically.


So much controversy surrounds No-Follow and Do-Follow tags that it's difficult to describe all of the implications in a short description. In summary, No-Follow tags tell a search engine not to follow through to the website on the other end of a link. Do-Follow tags allow the search engine to follow through to the referenced website and therefore most people in the SEO industry agree that Do-Follow links are more valuable than No-Follow links.

In the next installment of Pittsburgh SEO: Search Engine Industry Terms, we'll detail the next set of important terms related to the search engine marketing and optimization industry. Next up in the series is Off and On-Page Optimization, Organic Traffic, Page Rank and Plugins. But if you need professional Pittsburgh SEO services right now, take action by calling the number at the top of your screen for a free, confidential consultation. Get started with a professional SEO campaign today and get ahead of your competition tomorrow.

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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