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March 5, 2012

Pittsburgh Internet Marketing – Tools of the Trade

By Chris Vendilli 2 Minute Read

Pittsburgh internet marketing must use a comprehensive set of tools and strategies in order to be effective. These tools include Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Direct Advertising and more. However, it can be difficult to understand what these tools and strategies consist of and what their ultimate purpose is. The following definitions are critical for website businesses and individuals to understand in order to capture the attention of their respective markets and niches:

Pittsburgh Search Engine Optimization

SEO refers to a comprehensive set of tools and resources that seek to obtain top organic search rankings for a website's keywords. Ultimately, SEO is primarily based upon link-building, but these links must come from a diverse array of sources. Article marketing, press release syndication, blog commenting, forum postings, document sharing, private blog networks, and more are all fundamental tools used in this process. These are referred to as Off-Site SEO.

On-Site SEO refers to taking steps to ensure that the content and structure of your site is appealing to both search engines and live visitors. This is accomplished with proper meta and title data/tags, proper keyword research and placement, the provision of high-quality, engaging content, and fast site loading and response times.

Search Engine Marketing

In simple terms, SEM is paid traffic. It does not rely on SEO and therefore even a brand-new website can begin receiving new, relevant traffic immediately. This is done by advertising on search engines like Google or Bing using PPC or pay-per –click programs. PPC allows businesses and website owners to bid on top terms for their industry. When a user enters these terms into a search engine, if the site and ads are optimized correctly a text or graphic ad will be displayed for that user.

SEM and SEO are considered opposites. However, both results are returned on the same page. Paid search results are shown in the top, sides and bottom the SERP (search engine results page) while organic results are shown in the center of the page.

Pittsburgh Internet Marketing: Social Media Optimization

Pittsburgh social media optimization refers to setting up and maintaining social media profiles to maximize on their ability to generate traffic – and more importantly, to realize conversions from that traffic. This is accomplished with proper use of profile features and by posting regular content that interests the followers of those profiles.

Social Media Marketing

SMM takes advantage of SMO efforts by sending paid traffic to ideally well-optimized social media pages like a Facebook or MySpace profile. This is accomplished in essentially the same way as SEM, but instead of paying the search engine for the advertising, the page owner pays the social media site. However, it should be noted that SEO and SEM can also be used to drive traffic to a social media page. In this way, it can easily be understood just how connected SEO, SEM, SMO and SMM really are.

Direct Advertising

Finally, direct advertising is a critical part of the tools and resources utilized as part of a proper Pittsburgh internet marketing strategy. This includes email campaigns – widely recognized as one of the most lucrative internet marketing tools when done right – and other types of direct advertising like banner ads, text ads and newsletters.

The only real problem with any of these Pittsburgh internet marketing strategies is that they take significant time and resources to implement. For most people, this means that working with a professional Pennsylvania IM company is critical. If this describes you, then you can get started right now with a simple phone call. By dialing the number at the top of your screen now, you can get an immediate, comprehensive consultation at no cost to you. There's no obligation, and the sooner you get started, the sooner you'll gain meaningful ground against your competition.

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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