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October 13, 2011

Pittsburgh Internet Marketing: Strategies for Success

By Chris Vendilli 2 Minute Read

Pittsburgh internet marketing services are employed by the region's most successful individuals and businesses. However, many medium to small businesses don't make use of Pittsburgh internet marketing services because few people outside of the industry really understand what this term means. In some ways internet marketing is similar to traditional or offline marketing, but in other ways it is markedly different.

Understanding the most critical and successful Pittsburgh internet marketing strategies is essential to capitalizing on the exponential growth potential of viral marketing. The following are 4 primary internet marketing techniques that some businesses will be able to self-manage, while others will need to hire a Pennsylvania online marketing firm.

1.) Web Design & Web Content

When it comes to Pittsburgh internet marketing, your website is like your brick and mortar business: it must be easy to find, have plenty of parking, offer a diverse spread of quality products or services and be clean and well-presented. Web design services do this for your website.

A website must have relevant content that is designed to attract both customers and search engines. The layout must be pleasing to the eye, uncluttered and organized in a logical manner. Site navigation must be user-friendly and all information on the site must be easy to access. In order to make your website design come alive the services of a skilled programmer and a professional writer will often be required.

2.) Search Engine Optimization or SEO

Pittsburgh internet marketing couldn't exist without SEO or search engine optimization. This refers to a group of practices that Pittsburgh internet marketers use to boost a particular website's organic rankings in the search engines. In general there are two main types of SEO: On-Page and Off-Page. On-Page refers to the level of SEO that occurs on your website. For instance, the use of well-researched keywords, proper HTML tags and Meta Data can all be very useful in boosting On-Page SEO.

Off page SEO refers to efforts outside of the actual website to improve search ranking. This often includes various types of linking and backlinking strategies and other tactics that are designed to generate publicity and increase search ranking for specific keywords.

3.) Copywriting

Professional copywriting strategies are used by savvy Pittsburgh internet marketers to compel a carefully researched target audience. Copywriting is sales writing and therefore must logically be used to market your products and services – the better the copywriting, the higher the resulting conversions will be.

Other types of writing include article writing and press release writing, both of which are often used extensively in internet marketing strategies. Press releases and articles can be used to establish a brand, build depth to an existing brand, increase authority in the field and generate powerful SEO benefits through backlinking.

4.) Social Media Management

The most effective Pittsburgh internet marketing companies understand that businesses that fall behind the social media trend will likely place themselves in danger of failure. Most major markets are moving to web-based businesses because they were led there by consumers. Social media is the primary way that consumers communicate and therefore businesses that wish to remain successful must establish a prominent presence there as well.

This can be accomplished with a powerful social media management package that includes the development of a Facebook fanpage design, a social media plugin for an existing website, or integration with Twitter and other social media.

In conclusion, if you're a web designer, programmer, expert writer, experienced search engine consultant, and avid social media participator, then you probably don't need to hire a professional Pittsburgh Internet Marketing company to help you with your online marketing efforts. If you're not all of the above, then why not get in touch today and give us a chance to show you what we can do?

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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