Vendilli Digital Group | Blog

Why You Need To Be Using Sales Automation

Written by Chris Vendilli | May 31, 2016 4:00:00 AM

Sales automation has become an oft-used tool for many companies, especially B2B businesses. If you haven't yet given it a try, you may be missing out on a significant percentage of sales opportunities and unique tracking that can work across all of your prospecting and sales systems. Sales automation is designed to tie together the marketing, prospecting, sales and relationship building processes. The right program can work in conjunction with your existing programs to increase your conversions from prospects to customers, and customers to long-term loyal clients. Here are some of the advantages of working with sales automation.

1. Automated Personalization

You can easily program a sales automation program to send personalized email or messages to prospects and clients. If your recipient then follows through to your site or landing page and converts, the program will track it and give you important metrics to duplicate the process. The program can further track the progress of the customer, what they do after purchase such as promoting on social media or buying something else.

2. Prospect Scoring

You can score prospects with ratings to show how ready they are to buy with sales automation. That way you go directly to the highest priority prospects first, and on down the list. Your sales process will be more efficient and you will get higher revenues. The program takes a lot of guesswork out of which prospect to work with first and you don't waste time and resources on poor quality prospects.

3. Nurturing Prospects

Nurturing prospects that are not yet ready to buy is just as important as prioritizing them. While you are working directly with high-quality prospects, the sales system will continue to nurture other prospects until they are ready to talk to you.

4. Monitoring Content Creation

Content creation and marketing is part of your plan to attract new prospects. A sales automation system will help you determine the type of content needed and where and when to distribute it. You can also follow up on the metrics after content is distributed and where prospects go from there.

5. Marketing ROI

A sales automation program will give you marketing analytics to help you refine your process. You can determine the areas that are working and duplicate those efforts, eliminate or tweak mediocre campaigns and replace poor performers. Seeing the data collected throughout the process can help you tighten up your campaigns for higher margins and higher percentage of sales successes.

6. Improved Customer Data

The more you know about your customers, the better you can cater to their needs. By using sales automation, you can collect more data about prospects and customers that will help you understand what they need to become ready to buy. You can target marketing to sub-segments of your customer list to personalize your campaign. Customers will respond better to targeted campaigns.