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September 6, 2022

Meet Thomas: Vendilli's Junior Graphic Designer

By Thomas Heckroth 1 Minute Read

They finally let the youngin’ talk. Hi, my name is Thomas and I am the newest addition to the Vendilli Digital Group team as a Junior Graphic Designer.

Why Design?

I’ve always wanted to have a career where I was given the opportunity to create something. Whether it be drawing, painting, or building with Legos, my mind has always been geared towards making something original. I was first introduced to graphic design in high school where I had access to the Adobe Creative Suite and many other softwares. After learning the capabilities of these applications, I knew if I had the opportunity to pursue a career in this field I had to take it. I went on to study and graduate with a degree in graphic design from Pittsburgh Technical College in Oakdale, Pennsylvania.

What is Design to me?

To me, there’s a difference between making something pretty and the idea of design. Just like the style of clothes you wear or the type of music you listen to, design allows a brand to have an identity. This identity can express emotion and allows businesses to connect with their customers. 

Why VDG?

I found VDG coincidentally when looking for an internship to complete my education at Pittsburgh Technical College. After a long conversation about the design industry with my instructor, he said he knew a friend who might be interested in an intern. Two days later I was in the office meeting Chris and everyone on the team. 

Being new to the industry I didn’t know what to look for in a company, but I got lucky where I landed. I am now part of a team full of people who work seamlessly together while caring for, respecting, and always prioritizing finding solutions for our client's problems.

Make sure to contact VDG today to get started on taking your brand and digital presence to the next level.


Thomas Heckroth
About the Author
Thomas has always had a passion to create. He first was introduced to design in high school before continuing to further his skills at Pittsburgh Technical College where he graduated with a degree in graphic design. He is constantly looking for new inspiration to expand his creative knowledge and skills in design. His favorite hobbies include fishing, listening to music, and working out.

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