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With hubspot, marketing doesn't have to be madness.

Written by Lauren Lippert | Mar 12, 2022 2:13:59 AM

When it comes to March Madness, I find that I typically don’t have the best of luck with my brackets. I’ve tried everything; one year, I even consulted with my little sister who told me which “sleeper teams” I should choose. Needless to say, it didn’t work out very well, and I haven’t asked for her help since.

Fortunately for me, predicting college basketball winners isn’t a huge part of my role as a marketer. I’ve found, however, that similarly to sleeper teams in the NCAA, there are some hidden or not as many mentioned marketing tools that people tend to forget or don’t know about. Marketing Hub from HubSpot is a robust marketing software that allows you to run marketing campaigns from start to finish.

Here are a few tools in HubSpot’s Marketing Hub that are extremely valuable and aren’t talked about a lot.


Chatflows in HubSpot give you the capability to chat with website visitors as they’re on your website.

There are two different types of chatflows in HubSpot:

  • Live Chat: as visitors navigate to your site, they can click a button to start a real-time conversation with someone on your team
  • Bot: instead of a team member connecting directly with your visitors, you can set up a bot to send automated messages based on certain criteria

Whether you choose to set up live chat or a bot, you’re giving your prospects and potential customers another way to get in touch with you, which is a resource they will find beneficial.

Lead Scoring

Lead scoring helps to prioritize leads based on specific attributes you set. You score your leads based on values for demographics, company information, their behavior and engagement with your content and other important information related to your sales process.

As you set your criteria, HubSpot updates the contact record automatically, so you are consistently seeing who has high and low lead scores. You identify good and not as good attributes and assign them to either positive or negative. As they hit positive, their score goes up, and the same goes for the reverse. It gives you and your team a better understanding of who your ideal lead is.

Marketing Email Health Analyzer

Over the last 12 months, 78% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement. With an increase of engagement with email marketing, you want to make sure your audience is receiving your emails.

HubSpot’s Email Health Tool allows you to see at a glance how your email reputation is trending, so you can see where you need to improve. In the tool, you can filter by campaigns, email types or subscriptions.

You get a breakdown of all your typical email statistics, including open rate, click-through rate, unsubscribe rate and hard bounce rate. It also gives you recommendations for areas that need improvement. This gives you great insight into your overall email health, so you can ensure your content is actually being seen by the people you want to see it.

Password Protected Landing Pages

Have a page that you need to keep private or password-protected? HubSpot allows you to control access for these pages by setting up a password required feature in its setting. You can set this up on either landing pages or your website pages if you have CMS Hub.

SEO Recommendations

The SEO recommendations tool scans your website URL and generates organic SEO recommendations based on its findings. It looks at different areas of your website, so it can tell you where you optimize for mobile experience, accessibility, on-page SEO and more. If a recommendation requires action, it will alert you to any pages that are affected and need attention.

With all of this information in one spot, you can conveniently update with the suggested recommendations. You can do this site-wide, or if you've just launched a new landing page and want to make sure the SEO settings are good, you can check out individual pages, too. This tool drills down just enough where you can understand issues and how to fix them while not overwhelming you with too many technical details.

Can’t Get Enough of HubSpot?

Contact us today to see how you can be maximizing the tools within your Hub. Or, if HubSpot is new to you, let's chat about how it can fit in your organization.