Vendilli Digital Group | Blog

Meet Lauren: ProFromGo's New Account Manager

Written by Lauren Lippert | Dec 6, 2019 5:00:00 AM

“When I grow up, I want to be a marketer,” said no kid, ever. Including me.

Aspirations of being an actress, the first female president (it can still happen!) and a professional ballerina clouded my mind as a 4th grader. So, how did I end up at a marketing agency? Thought you’d never ask…

What Is Marketing?

Post-college, I had, what I thought at the time, was my first “existential crisis.” I was confused. I went to school for broadcast journalism but wasn’t sure if I really wanted to do that or if I only liked certain aspects of it. Fortunately for me, good connections and that journalism background led me to my first professional job as a Marketing Coordinator at an ISO standards company.

I was intimidated. I heard acronyms and terminology that I never used before. I began wondering, “what’s a marketing automation tool, and why does everything need to be tracked through a campaign? Why are custom redirects SO important? Consistent branding? Isn’t using your logo on everything considered ‘consistent branding?’”

As time went on, these practices seemed more and more natural to me, and I began to understand not only the importance of marketing but the necessity of it. I appreciated how every detail of marketing was made to make the client’s experience better, and I loved the work I was doing.

Marketing Means Trust

When I moved to my next marketing role, I felt more confident in my ability to put myself in the clients’ shoes and better understand the stories they wanted to tell. I thought a lot about how to create and share meaningful content at the right time in the buyer’s journey.

I learned quickly that my professional passion was here, and I wanted to help other companies find their inbound marketing strategy through successful campaigns. I particularly enjoyed branding and determining how organizations can leverage their messages into valuable content.

Collaborating with marketing team members from all over the world gave me a ton of experience with branding. Good global communication and tools like HubSpot help organizations achieve a consistent message through their branding, but sometimes it’s hard to get others to understand why it’s so important.

When using consistent brand messaging and themes, it’s easier for customers or prospects to remember who you are. Which in turn, means there’s more of a chance they will come back to you. You want your target audience to know who you are, what your brand is about and how you can help them solve their problems or fit into their needs. All of these factors are crucial to prospects when moving through the buyer’s journey.

For example, everyone knows Target. You see the red bullseye, and you immediately think of the retailer. They use their tagline, “Expect More. Pay Less.” on everything, and they pride themselves on inclusivity. They’ve successfully stayed front-of-mind for so many consumers through their various marketing campaigns because they have established their branding, and people trust them.

Once you’ve gained trust from your audience, it’s easier to turn them into customers and eventually evangelists who will promote your brand to their friends or colleagues.

ProFromGo Means Trust

I might be new to the team, but I’m excited to help your organization connect with its ideal audience. Whether you’re looking for content strategy or a total website redesign, my new team is ready to get to work. Contact ProFromGo to learn more about our marketing services.