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March 21, 2017

What to Include in Your Social Media Analytical Report

By Chris Vendilli 2 Minute Read

Your company's social media analytical report will help your business learn valuable information about who is visiting your website, where that traffic is coming from and what they're doing when they get there. Collecting this information can help your company make smart marketing decisions that can lead to greater public exposure and more conversions. A proper report must include key points in order to be as useful as possible.


The timeframe for your data collection will set the context for the report. Give the start date and end date for your data gathering as well as any changes that took place with your marketing campaign or your website during that time. This will help stakeholders and other people reading your report to set the scene and interpret the data accordingly.

Social Media Goals

What were your social media goals during the given timeframe? To increase traffic? By how much? From what sources? What methods were used to increase traffic during that time frame? And finally, how successful was the company's effort to meet those goals?

Interpretation of data can be difficult. Use the raw numbers from Google Analytics and Facebook Insights to back up your claims, but be open to the idea that other members of your team will have different interpretations. As you make the report, discuss your findings with other managers and staff members to determine whether or not your interpretation makes sense, and what other interpretations of the data may exist.

Data Gathering Tools and Methodology

Discuss what tools were used to gather your data and how those tools were wielded. Facebook Insights and Google Analytics are both powerful programs that can produce immense amounts of data for anyone who knows how to use them. Include the means by which you arrived at the information to show that you explored all avenues to reach your conclusions.

Key Data

Include as many raw numbers and charts as possible. Include information such as:

  • Virality of posts: The success of a post is determined by its virality. The virality of each post may be considered separately or by category. For example, comparing picture posts to video posts will help your business determine which posts are most attractive to viewers.
  • Sources of traffic: Knowing where visitors to your website are coming from can help your company decide where to focus your efforts in the future.
  • Audience engagement: Visitors are meaningless if they're not engaged with the content you're providing. Determining audience behavior at your website will help your company decide how engaged your audience is and whether or not their visit is productive.


After interpreting the data, the final step will be to make recommendations to meet your company's goals. At the end of the report, you may decide a possible revision of your company's goals may be in order. Keep these recommendations and revisions to the goals open ended, to allow others from your team to make their own contributions and bring their own ideas to the table.

Contact ProFromGo to Get Started With Internet Marketing

Get started with your Internet marketing efforts with ProFromGo. As your Internet marketing experts in Pittsburgh, we can help grow your business, drive traffic to your site and use social media to increase awareness of your brand. To get started with a consultation, contact us today at (412) 530-5027.

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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