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April 23, 2022

HubSpot: The Future of CMS

By Brandon Dillon 2 Minute Read

HubSpot CMS is the only CMS that allows you to seamlessly integrate with other marketing and sales softwares that let you personalize your entire customer experience. CMS users can easily create content to optimize their site for conversions by offering relevant calls-to-action and content. By leveraging HubSpot services in the same place that your website is built, you can optimize content, create landing pages, manage a blog, collect CRM data, and gain performance insight all in one place. The best part is, that you can do most of this without a developer.

Manage all your Content in one Place

Stop worrying about having a web of connections in another CMS. HubSpot CMS is an all-in-one platform where you can manage all the components needed to market your business.

CMS Hub is part of HubSpot, so you’ll get all the tools you need out of the box. Having the CRM built by the same people offering your sales and marketing tools results in a consistent experience that can offer more customization, data, reporting, and more, all working perfectly together.

Personalize user Experiences

HubSpot allows you to track user interaction with your site. With the knowledge of who engaged with your site, you can customize every marketing, sales, and service point to that specific user based on their point in the buyer’s journey. Having a list of people that clicked on your “learn more” button allows you to follow up with those people with targeted email campaigns. Tailoring your messaging to someone you know is more likely to convert than someone who bounced off of your homepage. While you can achieve similar processes with other systems, HubSpot gives you the ability to analyze and record the data, build an email, and tailor the message to a specific audience all in one place. 

Usability for All Types of Users

One major issue in the CMS world is the steep learning curve. Companies invest thousands into a new website and CMS system just to find out that it’s hard to use. This is something that HubSpot CMS Hub focuses on addressing. IT’S EASY TO USE! (You don’t hear that too often associated with a CMS.) Accomplishing a simple task doesn’t require a web of settings and steps to take, you don’t need to constantly update or change settings, and there is always help available. HubSpot hosts a massive knowledge base backed by HubSpot service agents.

Cost Scales with your Business 

To be frank, HubSpot isn’t cheap, but cheap and affordable aren’t always inclusive of each other. It’s a more affordable option because it scales with your business. Small to medium businesses don’t pay what enterprise-level businesses do, but still, get access to most of the same great features. A large portion of HubSpot’s pricing is based on the number of users that need access to your system, and the number of contacts in your CRM. This allows HubSpot to offer the same features to different-sized businesses for different prices. So as a small business owner, you can enjoy the fact that you’re using the same system as a Fortune 500 company, without the same price tag.

If you relate to the points above and see the need for this type of solution, then HubSpot CMS Hub is a no-brainer. Don’t be scared either, you can dive right in! With HubSpot’s free CRM, you can get started with testing parts of their platform at no risk to your business or current systems. You can’t go wrong with using a system that offers all-in-one management across your sales and marketing efforts, personalized experience, and ease of use.

There’s so much to learn and benefit from with HubSpot and HubSpot CMS Hub, contact us today and let’s have a talk about these solutions for you!

Brandon Dillon
About the Author
Brandon is the Graphic Designer at VDG. His favorite hobbies are ATV riding, mountain biking, kayaking, camping, and cooking.

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