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October 7, 2021

5 HubSpot Apps Your Sales Team Didn't Know They Needed

By Andrea Moxham 4 Minute Read

How do you make life as a salesperson easier? 

With tools and apps, of course! 

From online meeting booking to proposal software, email open trackers to live chat tools, sales teams are no stranger to using technology to streamline certain processes. 

Today, we’d like to show you five new, lesser-known HubSpot apps that your reps probably didn’t even know they needed. They’ll allow you to instantly connect with new leads, visualize your customers on a map, or grade your CRM data to make better decisions. 

Each of these apps can be found in the HubSpot App Marketplace, which you can navigate to at any time by clicking the marketplaces icon at the top right of your HubSpot dashboard. 

The HubSpot app marketplace

Whichever of these apps you download, we guarantee they’ll streamline your sales process and make it easier for your reps to spend more time actually closing deals. 

1. SalesReach 

You need to support your customers through every stage of the buyer’s journey. SalesReach makes it easier than ever to create the best possible experience for your users, every step of the way. 

SalesReach is a central asset management platform. This means your sales team will have access to everything they need to support customer decisions, while users can find their information in a portal rather than having their inbox cluttered up. 

It also comes with a no-code page builder so that your team can create hyper-personalized landing pages that speak to individual prospects. You can add videos, meeting links, and even personalized buying portals. 

Horseshoe's custom SalesReach page

With analytics that reveal who viewed website content, better organization, and extreme personalization, SalesReach will increase your likelihood of closing high-value deals and better equip your team and customers for effective communications. 

Learn more and try it for free by signing up for SalesReach. 

2. LeadSigma

Did you know that you boost your chances of closing a deal by 10x if you instantly connect with a new lead? After submitting their information, your brand is fresh on their mind and they just might be ready to make a decision. 

But when your sales team is always busy, it’s tough to keep up with incoming leads and make calls at the right time. 

LeadSigma solves this problem by creating an instant phone connection between prospect and sales team. As soon as a new lead comes in, LeadSigma will call an available sales rep. When they answer, the system automatically dials the lead and connects the two via phone. 

Your team can make call notes and record results, all of which will be automatically transferred into HubSpot. LeadSigma can also modify contact and deal records as sales reps log their activity. 

3-step LeadSigma process

With automated phone task workflows, your team will always stay on top of their to-do list and keep working on each lead until they close. 

And LeadSigma offers SMS marketing too! Take advantage of 98% open rates with fully automated, customizable text sequences that collect information and nurture your leads behind the scenes. 

Try their free plan or sign up for a 21-day free trial here.

3. Map My Customers 

You know an awful lot about your customers: their demographics, their online behaviors, what’s likely to influence them in a buying decision. 

But have you ever stopped to consider their physical location? 

With the Map My Customers integration, you can see where each of your customers are by plotting their contact information on a map. 


Sample screen from Map My Customers

This can give you a whole new understanding of your business. When you’re able to visualize your customers on a map, you can see what areas have opportunities for expansion. You can make data-driven decisions on where to assign reps, host an event, or open a new distribution center. 

You can even find potential prospects and leads in a particular location. Meet more prospects during events or make up for canceled meetings by searching for untapped opportunities in your area.

With route optimization, voice-to-text notes, and automatic check-in that updates contact records based on a sales rep’s location, your team will spend less time on admin work and more time converting their best leads. 

Any information updated in Map My Customers is automatically transferred into HubSpot, making it easy for reps to update information and keep portal data as clean as possible. 

Map out your customers for free with a 14-day trial. 

4. CRM Data Grader 

If you’re anything like us, a lot of your business decisions are based on HubSpot data. You analyze your sales success, make forecasts for upcoming periods, and use contact record data in everyday conversations. 

This is an excellent business practice except for one thing: if there are problems with your data, there are going to be problems with the decisions based on it. 

It’s hard to keep your data clean. Missing fields, incorrect formatting, and duplicate information are commonplace in most CRMs, but they can have a big impact on your ability to make decisions (and sell to your customers!) 

The CRM data grader analyzes your HubSpot account for the most common data issues and generates a detailed report to help you tackle any data problems. It assigns a grade based on the number of records that are issue-free and sorts any records with bad data by type, category, or issue.

Report from CRM Data Grader

This tool is simply for informational purposes. Once you understand where your data problems lie, you’ll have to dive in and fix them. 

If you have fewer than one million contacts, the data grader app is completely free! Find out your score by downloading this app from the HubSpot marketplace. 

5. SalesCommission by QuotaPath 

Does your team struggle to track their commissions? Are you using an ad-hoc method that involves spreadsheets and manually transferring information from one tool to another? 

SalesCommission by QuotaPath is an automatic commission tracking tool that allows you to stay focused and grow your business. 

Users can import deals from HubSpot to QuotaPath to view contact information and forecast potential earnings in real-time, while admins can calculate earnings and attainment automatically. 

Map fields, define sale stages, and track and forecast earnings so that each rep is effortlessly paid correctly every time. 

Commission screenshot from SalesCommission

This integration allows your team to have one single source of truth for sales and commission tracking. With less confusion and less manual work, your reps will have more time for talking to leads and closing deals. 

Change your commissions once and for all with the free plan or a 14-day free trial! 

What’s your favorite sales app? 

With more than 300 apps in the sales category alone, visitors to the HubSpot App Marketplace have no shortage of tools to choose from. 

Improve your data management, manage commission, and increase productivity without sacrificing customer service by trying one of these five apps or any of the others. 

Before downloading any app from the HubSpot marketplace, be sure to read the reviews, carefully go over the description to ensure it provides the functionality you need, and check to see if it’s compatible with your HubSpot subscription. 

Which sales app is your favorite? What one will you be trying next? Let us know! 

Andrea Moxham
About the Author

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