Vendilli Digital Group | Blog

Guest Blog Posting

Written by Chris Vendilli | Aug 20, 2012 4:00:00 AM

The idea behind guest posting on other sites/blogs used to be:

• To get posts, including links, on as many domains as possible

• To get a large number of domains linking to you

However, new algorithms which started with Google’s Panda and Penguin updates may mean that a different approach to guest posting might work better.


One of the changes was the implementation of author spotlighting (rel=author). This means that the author can get a picture of themselves included in the search results of the articles. It can turn into a measure of the popularity of an author’s writings. Google will be able to track the authority of the sites you publish on and possibly measure the social response to the articles as well.

So, if you can get published on a major authoritative site with your photo linking back to your site, the benefit will be a significant boost to your credibility. If you have been posting in order to get domains linking to your site or pages, it may be time to consider another approach. You might want to ask domains where you post to allow you to use rel=author. However, you might also want to rethink your entire strategy on domain posting.

For example, consider changing from irregular posting on numerous sites solely to capture better domain diversity, to getting regular posts on major credible and authoritative sites. The guest posting activities that will best serve you are those that focus on bolstering your own reputation, relevant to the site you post on. According to noted Google engineer Matt Cutts, this is what’s becoming most valued by the world's largest search engine.

What this means is that a regular column in a major journal enhances your reputation far more than one post on 50 low quality sites. It also has an impact on the average end user because it is highly unlikely that they will visit the lower quality sites anyway.


It might work to think of guest posting as a brand building process as opposed to anything else. And when you do guest post keep the following thoughts in mind:

• Know the audience of the blog.

• Select blogs that are relevant to your business or sites with topics that you are an authority on.

• Develop a relationship with the blog owner. (This could be done by old fashioned networking.)

• Write the post and send it to them as opposed to asking what to write, or at least suggest topics as part of a structured or informal query.

• Make sure the guest post is high quality with no spelling or grammar errors.

• Make it easy for the host to post your guest piece. Use HTML or any other format if that is what will make it easy for the host.

• Include your bio.

• Interact with anyone who comments; even if they criticize you. How you respond could be worth a lot in the eyes of other readers.

• Welcome new readers to your post.

A well thought-out guest blogging strategy that includes the branding goals you seek, related blogs, sites and businesses, and of course great content will help build your reputation in the most effective way possible.

Guest posting isn't as easy as firing off a post to as many sites as you think you could get to publish it. It requires tact, site research, topic and content research and development, and follow-through with hosts and readers.

If you can't make this commitment, call the number at the top of your screen now for an immediate consultation about ProFromGo's powerful guest posting services. Get your name and brand out there. Build your authority. Get top search results. All of this starts with a simple phone call.