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July 28, 2020

Meet Erica: ProFromGo’s New Content Specialist

By Erica Follette 2 Minute Read

When I was a kid I never dreamed of writing for a living—I mean, what kid does? 

Most kids want to be an astronaut, a teacher and sometimes even a rockstar. As a child I aspired to be a veterinarian and had my heart set on it since kindergarten. So how did I end up here writing this blog? Well, sit back, grab a snack and I’ll tell you!

Why Marketing? 

When I first entered college as a bright eyed 18-year-old, I declared my major as pre-veterinary biology. Fast forward to the end of my second year of college, and that was when things really went left. I was burnt out, stressed, confused and had no idea why the path to my “dream job” was making me feel the way I felt. Fortunately, I have the greatest support system, and I was encouraged to find what made me happy and to pursue it. 

After countless nights of research and mounds of paperwork later, I switched my major to Strategic Communication and picked up my minor in Public Relations Branding and Imaging. This change really opened my eyes and allowed me to explore fields I wouldn’t have even thought of, such as public relations, marketing and even journalism. In the end, what I ended up enjoying the most was the writing; having the creative freedom to craft social media posts, write blogs and produce other forms of content was something I could see myself doing as a career.  

What Is Marketing To Me?

I see marketing as something way bigger than selling a product or service. Instead, I see it as a way to have fun and be creative. The creation and execution of unique and original content can catch the attention of the target audience and allow a brand’s image and message to be remembered. 

For me personally, the idea of being able to create that new and unique content for a client is quite exciting. Not only that, but being able to help a client stand out from their competition and increase their brand awareness is what keeps me motivated to produce the best work possible. 

Why ProFromGo?

After graduating on May 2nd of this year, the new task of finding myself a position seemed impossible due to COVID-19. As weeks went by, my applications were denied because of company closures, and my calls or emails never earned responses. It seemed as though my job search was coming to a screeching halt. 

That was until I found ProFromGo, even amidst all the chaos that is COVID-19 and quarantine, they were willing and eager to have me be a part of their team. I quickly realized within the first couple days however, that ProFromGo is more than just a “one-stop web presence shop.” Instead it was a family, one that welcomed me with open arms, bright smiles, lots of laughs and continuous support from the very first day that I started.  

What’s Your Future with ProFromGo?

Yes, I might be the young buck and newest member of the team, but I’m thrilled to be part of a marketing company that can help your organization accomplish their business goals and objectives. Whether you’re looking for a brand-new website or a comprehensive inbound marketing strategy to attract your ideal audience, my new team is eager to get to work! 

Contact ProFromGo to learn more about all of the marketing services we have to offer. 

Erica Follette
About the Author
Erica is a Content and Customer Service Specialist at Vendilli. In her free time, you can find Erica binge watching Netflix shows, practicing martial arts, drinking way too much coffee or tending to the needs of her spoiled dog and reptiles.

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