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November 25, 2019

Digital Marketing Tools We’re Thankful For: HubSpot

By Chris Vendilli 3 Minute Read

All month long, the ProFromGo team has shared those softwares and platforms that not only make our jobs a little bit easier, but help us provide better results for our clients. Our content team gave thanks for SEMrush and Databox, while our dedicated designers explored all the tools that make remote working possible. In our final Thanksgiving installment, we want to give a shout-out to the crown jewel of our marketing tools: HubSpot.

HubSpot CRM - Chris, Founder/CEO

Chris Vendilli, Owner/CEO ProFromGo Internet MarketingIn a lot of ways, HubSpot is more than just a digital marketing tool. From the integrated CMS to CRM, there’s not much you can’t do with the software. Furthermore, HubSpot comes with its own, finely honed methodology that ProFromGo leverages to deliver successful marketing strategies and deliverables to all of our clients.

As one of about 200 Platinum-tier HubSpot Agency partners, we take the methodology to heart. For me, that means maintaining a certain MRR, ensuring my team holds the right certifications and educating our clients on how HubSpot is the ultimate solution for the marketing and sales initiatives. 

While I’m thankful for everything HubSpot has to offer, I probably spend the most time in the customer relationship management (CRM) tool. Having all of your marketing qualified leads (MQLs), sales qualified leads (SQLs) as well as closed and won deals helps any organization keep things organized and save time. It helps our clients, and our own team, to keep sight of organizational goals. 

How does the HubSpot CRM do that? The better question is how doesn’t it? I could probably write a book on everything this powerful digital marketing tool can do. Perhaps my favorite aspect of the CRM is how seamlessly it closes the loop between marketing and sales. Because everything from social media to blogging to email marketing to ads and paid search are all integrated within HubSpot, you can find out exactly which channels and strategies are driving not only the most traffic, but the right traffic to convert into leads and sales opportunities. It helps you really quantify the sales potential and give you valuable insight into your marketing and advertising ROI. 

Better yet, the way HubSpot’s CRM automates and streamlines the sales process is unrivaled. Gone are the days of sending 17 emails back and forth with leads. Customers can simply click a link in your personalized HubSpot email, schedule time with you and get on with their day. You can create any marketing or sales assets you want, right inside the CRM, meaning bulky PDF attachments are a thing of the past.

Again, there’s not much you can’t do inside the HubSpot CRM. I use it for ProFromGo’s internal sales efforts as well as coach and train numerous clients on how to leverage it for better business success. It saves me time, drives better, more intuitive results and is easy to use. Yeah, I’m pretty thankful for the HubSpot CRM.  

HubSpot Academy - John, Director of Business Development

John Caruso Director of Business Development ProFromGo Internet Marketing

In an industry that thrives on certifications and the technical know-how they indicate, I’d be lost without HubSpot Academy. As Chris noted above, there isn’t much you can’t do within the HubSpot platform—and that includes acquiring the knowledge my teammates and I need to continue bringing success to our clients. 

I came to ProFromGo with much more experience in other CRMs, and was admittedly a little nervous about learning a brand new one. Luckily HubSpot Academy has a training or certification course for pretty much everything. Each course is broken down into a series of individual video lessons with supplemental slide decks, exercises, docs and knowledge checks. You really leave each course feeling confident in your abilities to tackle everything the course covers. 

Ongoing professional development is crucial for any industry, and that’s certainly a perk of Hubspot certifications, but they serve a much bigger purpose. As the director of business development, it’s my job to assure potential and existing clients that they’ve made the right choice in working with ProFromGo. HubSpot Academy enables me to speak confidently about every area of service we offer—from CRMs to social media. In other words, these trainings and certifications make me a much better point of contact for our clients.  

It’s not just the ProFromGo team that can get in on the fun. We encourage our clients internal stakeholders to complete the certifications, too. This not only helps them understand our services, but empowers them to play a much more active role in their own marketing and sales initiatives. Better yet? Many of the trainings are completely free!

ProFromGo is Thankful for You!

We’ve had a lot of fun this month taking a step back to think about all of  the great platforms and digital marketing tools that not only make our jobs easier, but make it more fun, too. However, the thing for which we’re all most thankful is our amazing group of clients. Marketing should be fun, and there’s nothing better than empowering your success. Want to learn what ProFromGo and HubSpot can do for your organization? Contact us. We’d love to share our marketing passion with you.

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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