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November 14, 2019

Digital Marketing Tools We’re Thankful For: Content

By Chris Vendilli 3 Minute Read

As Thanksgiving approaches, the team at ProFromGo is reflecting on everything we have to be thankful for. While each of us holds tight to personal things—our children, health, financial wellbeing and the like—we also wanted to reflect on all the digital marketing tools. These tools, platforms, software and processes help us create more thoughtful strategies and deliver better results for our clients. 

In this first installment, learn what digital marketing tools our content folks use to bring our clients measurable results. 

SEMrush Content Tools- Tracey, Content Marketing Copywriter

Headshot for Tracey Bauer Copywriter at ProFromGo Internet Marketing | Pittsburgh

PFG ventured to Boston in September for Hubspot’s annual Inbound conference. One of my favorite aspects of the conference was exploring the various software and app vendor booths. That’s where I first learned about a suite of tools that does almost everything a content writer could ask for. Aside from SEMrush’s standard features (reporting, SEO and analysis), the platform offers more than a few things to make a writer’s life easier and help me deliver more meaningful blogs, social media posts and web copy for our clients.  

Content Marketing Toolkit - I could spend hours doing content research, but SEMrush helps make the most out of my busy day. I’m thankful SEMrush makes this process easier by providing a Topic Research tool so that my writing is in line with what our clients’ customers want to know.

Social Media Toolkit - PFG has used various social media tools to post on behalf of our clients, but the process can be tedious, often because of an outdated UI. I cannot express how thankful I am for SEMrush’s Social Media Poster. Simple design, easy to use and I can schedule multiple posts at once! Better yet, I can track all of our client’s posts, see how they’re performing and even get a glimpse at how competitors are doing on various social media platforms. 

It's all about making the best decisions for our clients. With these SEMrush tools, I can not only make more informed decisions about the content I write and post, but do it much faster. Believe me, I'm very thankful for that!

SEMrush SEO Tools - Jess, Digital PR and SEO Specialist

Headshot for Jessica Nath Digital PR and SEO Specialist at ProFromGo Internet Marketing | PittsburghAs Tracey’s demonstrated, SEMrush is a virtual treasure chest for all things digital marketing. As a Digital PR and SEO specialist, there’s certainly plenty of functionality within SEMrush to keep me busy, too. Perhaps the tool for which I’m most thankful is SEMrush’s SEO Content Template

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the guiding light behind a lot of digital marketing. As its name suggests, it’s all about making sure Google and other search engines find your content and display it in your ideal audience’s queries. The SEO Content Template allows me to type in various keywords and get back the top 10 ranking pages on Google for that particular phrase. 

This provides me with a roadmap that helps me place our clients’ keywords in the most meaningful spots throughout the piece content, suggests secondary keywords that will enhance Google’s understanding of the content and even help me avoid creating unreadable or less-than-optimized content. 

The best part for me? This simple, yet intuitive tool saves me so much time—I’m talking hours. Those are hours I can then devote to talking with clients and my team members about other ways to optimize content. 

Databox - Corey, Senior Content Strategist

Headshot for Corey Florindi Senior Content Strategist at ProFromGo Internet Marketing | PittsburghA big part of my job is figuring out what content really resonates with our clients’ audiences. Sure, it’s great to throw in some blog posts about company culture now and then (like what you’re reading right now), but the majority of every organization’s content should focus on answering questions and solving problems. So, how do you know if you’re doing that?

One of the most powerful digital marketing tools in my arsenal is Databox. Databox gives real-time access to a bevvy of various metrics, allowing internal and external stakeholders to track everything from social media engagement to web traffic to CRM sales numbers. Here are just a few of the sourcesDatabox can tap into:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Ads
  • HubSpot CRM
  • HubSpot Marketing
  • Moz
  • TeamWork
  • Various social media platforms
  • MailChimp
  • Marketo
  • And many, many more

I build various data boards for our clients, focused on the information important to them as well as the PFG team. These boards are then available via a streaming URL accessible at any time with current metrics. You can even look at number for the day, month, quarter or year, and compare them MoM or YoY as well. 

Why’s that important for a content strategist? Sure, I can assemble a data board to show me all the site traffic on a client’s various blog posts (and I do), but there’s so much more to crafting successful content than just the words on the page. Where does the audience go from there? With Databox, I can track landing pages, email open rates, conversions, MQLs or pretty much anything else you can think of. I can find out what content is driving the most leads all in one (aesthetically pleasing) dashboard. 

ProFromGo Has the Digital Marketing Tools to Make Your Company Shine

Write a blog, watch it thrive. Not exactly. There’s so much going on “under the hood” when you execute a content strategy. Quality tools like SEMrush and Databox provide data-driven insight to achieve your organization’s marketing goals. Get in touch to discuss how digital marketing can help your business grow.

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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