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March 13, 2023

Custom Objects, properties, and how to prepare for HubSpot onboarding

By Thomas Heckroth 3 Minute Read


No matter your experience level working with HubSpot CRM, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed imagining how your data will fit into a new system. While HubSpot does a great job anticipating your needs with comprehensive categorization, one size doesn’t always fit all. 

Tagging in a team of HubSpot professionals (cough, cough, have you heard about the very smart and nice people at Vendilli Digital Group?) can help you leverage HubSpot strategically. Instead of trying to shoehorn your current system into HubSpot, you can customize HubSpot to your business. 

When you onboard with us, we approach incorporating HubSpot into your business like putting together a puzzle. We take each piece and figure out where it fits in the bigger picture. Sometimes you have to try different combinations before you find the right solution. As you prepare for onboarding, keep in mind how the following can fit into your business, and what you might want to customize.


So what is an “Object”? A HubSpot object represents the types of processes and relationships in your business. Each HubSpot account is equipped with the main four HubSpot Objects: 

  • contacts 
  • companies
  • deals
  • tickets

The contact object is made to hold data about the relationship with your contacts identified by an email address, the company object to hold data on the companies you work with identified by a domain, the deal object to hold data on your new and changing deals, and so on. All Hubspot Objects have the same foundation, making it easier to report, segment, and manage your data. 

According to your HubSpot subscription tier, you also have the ability to access other objects such as calls, conversations, payments, products, quotes, and the ability to create custom objects. Custom Objects were made for companies whose data doesn't necessarily fall into one of HubSpot’s standard objects, giving you the ability to easily organize more information you need to do your job in your CRM. The best part is, custom objects look and behave just like HubSpot’s standard objects. This allows your team to jump right in without the trouble of extensive training. 


Within each individual object, such as a specific contact in your database, lies the HubSpot record. The record is where to visualize data, track interactions, activity, and view associations on your specific objects. With a customizable interface, Hubspot allows you to arrange and organize your view so that the data you’re viewing is catered perfectly to your company. 


HubSpot properties are the fields and data you can store on a record. HubSpot has a multitude of default properties for each standard object but also allows you to create your own with HubSpot custom properties. 

Wrapping your head around HubSpot CRM can be a real head-scratcher, so here’s an example to help you out. Let’s say we have a contact named John Caruso in our database, identified by his email address In John’s contact record, we can view the data we’ve collected from him. We could view what company John is from, his contact information, associated deals, and any activity that has been logged and associated. This framework is the same for all HubSpot objects, making it familiar for you and your team to find exactly what you need when you need it.

Preparing for an Onboarding

Identifying what this framework will look like in your account and catering it specifically to your company can be time-consuming. When it comes to preparing for a HubSpot Onboarding, having the HubSpot CRM framework in mind is essential for a successful and smooth transition. By identifying if your company will need any custom objects or properties and how you would like to customize or see data within your records, you will have a jump start to work with when you meet with your onboarding specialist. Here are a few questions to answer to get you started:

  1. Does my company cooperate with the standard HubSpot Objects model?
  2. What information about contacts, companies, and deals is important to my company? 
  3. What data is absolutely mandatory for our company to capture or see?

Having clear answers to these questions can provide your onboarding specialist with a defined plan of how to customize your HubSpot account. Not only does this structure matter now, but sets the stage for future HubSpot magic like sequences, workflows, deal automation, reporting, and more by identifying specific objects based on properties created in HubSpot. By having the correct pieces of information captured from the beginning ensures you won’t miss out on utilizing this data in HubSpot going forward. 

After gaining a broader understanding of the task at hand, you’ll be ready to dive right into building your HubSpot puzzle. But don't worry, you won't have to tackle it alone. Here at Vendilli, Our approach to implementation and training involves our team learning about your organization to better understand its current functions, goals, plans, challenges, and timelines. This helps our experts guide you to the most effective system of implementing HubSpot with your team, as well as the training they receive to help make them comfortable using the platform, and effective as soon as possible.

Thomas Heckroth
About the Author
Thomas has always had a passion to create. He first was introduced to design in high school before continuing to further his skills at Pittsburgh Technical College where he graduated with a degree in graphic design. He is constantly looking for new inspiration to expand his creative knowledge and skills in design. His favorite hobbies include fishing, listening to music, and working out.

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