Vendilli Digital Group | Blog

Converting Offline Marketing to Online Sales Part 2

Written by Chris Vendilli | Apr 19, 2012 4:00:00 AM

In the first issue for this series titled; "Converting Offline Marketing to Online Sales Part 1," we discussed two key ways that offline marketing can be used to bolster and fortify online and internet marketing strategies. In fact, some people use offline marketing to obtain the majority of their online traffic. The first article in this series recalled the seemingly ancient art of direct mail marketing, as well as the timely distribution of flyers and pamphlets. In this part of the series we'll discuss two more offline marketing methods that may surprise you as online traffic generating machines.

3.) Texting

People are attached to their cell phones. In fact, some people are so attached that they just don't feel right if their phone isn’t nearby to distract/inform/amuse them – something like the feeling of "nakedness" that comes after taking off a watch or ring that you've worn for years. Smart marketers take advantage of these attachments.

One of the most effective ways of using text messaging to drive online traffic is via coupons. Think about it – what are the major problems associated with coupons? You name it – the fact that people just can’t be bothered to carry them around, or they forget them, or they just don't want to take clippings from newspapers and magazines. Instead, you can simply text them a coupon. That way, they'll have it on them at all times, right on their cell phone. And what will be a clickable link referencing other deals and e-coupons? Your mobile web address.

You do have a mobile version of your site, right?

Another variation of this strategy is with the use of free contests to drive traffic to your site and build an email list. For instance, you could send a text (or have one sent if you're able to get services from the right internet marketing company) mentioning a contest whereby the recipient must go to your website and fill out a short entry form. As a result, your site gets traffic and exposure and you collect email addresses that you can market to again later.

4.) Billboards & Benches

Those billboards and ads you see on bus benches and on the side of the interstate are extremely effective forms of marketing. Every day, people will drive or walk past them, and some may look at them for long periods of time while stuck in traffic, waiting for the bus, or while out for an extended walk with the dog. These types of impressions on the human mind are powerful forms of branding, and if your website and web address is involved, it's likely that a large amount of consumers who see such advertising will visit your site before they'll pick up the phone.

This is because a growing number of today's consumers want to "check you out" before they decide to make the call, so providing a compelling website to reference in an offline billboard/bus bench advertisement is an extremely effective way of doing so.

However, it's difficult to find professional internet marketers who know how to utilize offline marketing strategies in order to drive business to your website. For an immediate consultation on with one of the few US companies that do, call the number at the top of your screen now. After all, if you're not putting your company in front of offline eyeballs, you're missing out on a major chunk of profits. Get yours now by picking up the phone, or stay tuned for our next article in this series, where we'll discuss the use of placemats and radio to get traffic to your site.