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September 26, 2017

How Companies Benefit from #INBOUND17

By Chris Vendilli 1 Minute Read

Marketing and sales professionals from all over have come together to participate in educational seminars, productive breakout sessions, and interactive lessons. Inbound 2017 is an excellent place for marketing and sales professionals to grow their network, make valuable business connections, and sharpen their skills. If you've never been to Inbound before or if you're new to the marketing field, you may not be aware of all the benefits of this fabulous conference.

Hear Excellent Speakers

Want to hear Michelle Obama talk about leading with openness, community engagement, and inclusivity? Or maybe you'd like to attend a talk with best-selling author Brene Brown?  Want to sit down and hear the co-founder of Pixar discuss creativity? Inbound is the place for you. With an A-list group of speakers, Inbound is the perfect event for anyone who likes to gather in the presence of marketing greatness. Excellent speakers at Inbound helps attendees stay on the forefront of their field.

Find An Inbound Marketing Agency

Some who attend Inbound are with companies looking for an Inbound marketing agency. Since Inbound brought together 20,000 plus people to attend over 300 educational sessions in 2016, this is the conference to attend. At Inbound, you can meet different marketing professionals and find the right fit for your business.

Spend Time In Good Company

You'll be in the presence of other great marketing and sales professionals. Not only will you have friends and peers to bounce ideas off of, but you can also grow your career, make yourself known in your field and make valuable contacts. Inbound is a good place to make a name for yourself.

Learn Inbound Best Practices

Inbound marketing is different from traditional online marketing because it involves attracting customers through valuable interactions, not through sales pitches. The Inbound conference is the best place for professionals to get a handle on this effective marketing style. At the Inbound conference, you'll be able to dive deeper into best practices and learn how to put them to use. You can then take that information home with you.

It's Good To Get Out of the Office

Last week we talked about the benefits of traveling with coworkers and getting out of the office. Inbound is simply the best destination for any marketing group hoping to get out of the daily routine and learn about new marketing trends. When we're back, we'll have lots of new information and new best practices to implement in our daily routines. Check back at our blog for more information about Inbound marketing in the coming months.

Chris Vendilli
About the Author
Chris is the founder and CEO of Vendilli Digital Group. In his free time, you’ll find him camping, fishing, or playing beer league ice hockey with a bunch of guys who refuse to admit they’re already over the hill.

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