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Basic HTML for Search Engine Optimization

Written by Chris Vendilli | May 4, 2012 4:00:00 AM

[frame_right][/frame_right]HTML is critical for most SEO purposes primarily because it is required for proper communication with both search engines and site visitors.  This basic computer language allows industry professionals like webmasters and internet marketers to tell search and other algorithms – such as Google's index bot – exactly what a link is all about, but "in their own language."  This is a critical tool because often even the search giants don't always get what you're trying to tell them unless you spell it out.  So, spell out your SEO in HTML.

There are a few key reasons you'll need to know the basics of HTML, and nearly all of them have to do with working with text in some way.  (HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language)  These reasons include:

*Changing font size or color

*Creating a hyperlink

*Stylizing text bold or italics, underline

*Creating important tags like the critical H1 tag

There are hundreds and probably even thousands of other uses for HTML, but when it comes to SEO these are the basics that you should learn.  In order to understand how this computer language works, let's take a look at how to build an anchor text link.

This is what an anchor text link will look like when the HTML is viewed (note that there are purposefully added spaces that wouldn't normally be there – this is done because we don't want to create any live links in this post or to create a bunch of funky text.  This space is found immediately after the open command and will not allow the code to function as long as it's there):

< a href="http://www.somewebsite. com">insert anchor text</a>.

Breaking the above example down will help for quick visualization:

<….this symbol means to open a command

a…..the command deals with an "Attribute" of

href… a hyperlink reference  (meaning, where does this hyperlink point to, or refer to?)

=….that equals (duh)

"….."…….exactly this website address (open quote)

>….from here (anchor text)

<….to here

/a>….close command.

So while it might look like an HTML strand is incomprehensible computer techno-babble, it actually makes a lot of sense when you understand the basics.  Based on the principles listed above, you can easily manipulate the size, color and title tag of any text.  Consider these examples:

#1 – changing font color to red  < font color="red">this text</a>  So the sequence basically "reads" like this: open command, font color red from this part of text to this part of text, close command.

#2 – changing font size < font size="4">this text</a>  And in this case the sequence "reads" very similar to the one above: open command, font size 4 from this text to this text, close command.

#3 – creating a title tag < h1>insert text</h1>  This command is nearly the same for any H title tag you want to use: <h2>, <h3>, and so on.  The higher the number, the smaller the text will be and the less stylization will occur, depending on the theme or platform the website in question is built on.

Stylization effects can be used in the same way as H tags:

< b>insert text</b>  This will BOLD your text

< i>insert text</i>  This will ITALICIZE your text

< u>insert text</u> This will underline your text

So why are styles important for SEO?  For the same reason they are important to human readers.  When you stylize something, you are drawing attention to it for a reason – usually because it's a critical part of the text that requires special notice.  Using HTML to create these stylizations help to create that notice loud and clear for the search engines.

Though it is quite easy to learn HTML and properly use it in your SEO campaigns, it can be quite tedious because even the smallest mistake or keying error can render the code inactive.  In order to circumvent troubles like this, trust your search engine optimization needs to a professional, and go ProFromGo all the way.  Just call the number at the top of your screen or send us a shout via our contact form – we're standing by.