Vendilli Digital Group | Blog

How to Use Alternative Content to Secure More Leads

Written by Erica Follette | Mar 20, 2020 4:00:00 AM

When it comes to your area of expertise as a business owner, you know you’re the best around. You’ve got a plan, and you're ready to help the hoards of people who need you.

But where are those hoards of people? Haven’t they heard you’re the best?

You can be the most helpful, professional and overall wonderful business around, but unless you can get that message out effectively, no one is going to be calling on your experience.

This is where marketing and sales are valuable.  In order to help your sales department generate leads, you need an effective marketing strategy. Of course you’ve heard of the traditional ways to secure leads—cold calls, sales funnels, buyers' journeys, etc. There’s a reason those strategies have been the go-to’s for so long—they work. 

But maybe you want to shake things up a bit when it comes to generating leads. It can be challenging to cut through all the "noise" of everyone trying to grab new business. That’s why with this post, we’re sharing some alternative content ideas for securing leads. 


Quizzes provide a valuable opportunity to open up conversations with potential leads. So much messaging starts one way—sales or marketing to the audience. While this one-way communication definitely offers value, there are times when it’s necessary to provide your audience with a personalized experience. What are their pain points, exactly? Where can you help?

Of course, every savvy business will eventually have these conversations with potential leads, but quizzes offer the opportunity to start the relationship this way. Leads can begin the relationship with telling you exactly what they are seeking, and you can approach it as a business that is prepared with a plan personalized for them.


As a society, we are extremely visual. We don’t want to be told how a business can help, or that the business is a leader within its field. Instead, we want proof. That’s where infographics can help secure leads.

On top of being a visual society, we are an extremely busy one. Your potential leads don’t always have time to sit down and read an entire blog post, no matter how wonderful it is (we hope you’re reading this post!). Infographics have the ability to capture someone’s attention through strategic positioning of content. They’re extremely visual, and you can focus them on any of the areas where you see your leads struggling. Learn how to create ones that will impress your leads—and your boss—with Visme's infographic design guide.


We’ve all experienced it—we are thinking about making a purchase, but we’re a little shy about it. That can also go for leads—maybe they are looking for something your business offers, but they aren’t quite sure enough to walk into a situation where someone is immediately trying to sell their services.

Webinars provide a valuable opportunity to introduce potential leads to your business. You, as a business leader, can show off several aspects of your organization—your expertise, your strategies, your personality, etc. A well-executed webinar allows potential leads to learn about you as a business without feeling overwhelmed by a one-on-one call or meeting. Plus, participants have an opportunity to ask questions, so webinars still open up conversation between two parties, just in a more laid back way. 

Still Spinning Your Wheels on Content?

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